Between Love & Deception (Chapter 37)

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             As I put the car in drive and pulled out of the driving space I tried my best to keep my eyes away from hers while she moved away from the car. Though she looked hurt and broken apart. The same way I felt.

            I kept driving; she wouldn’t get my forgiveness though. Not now, not ever. Though I couldn’t seem to peel my eyes away from her in the rearview mirror.


Chapter 37






            I stood barefoot in the parking lot of Boston Medical and watched Danny drive away from everything; Beau, me, love. Tears began to fall down my face as I was stuck with the reality that I hoped would never come. Though, it did and at the wrong time. I had ruined everything, and I know Danny wouldn’t be forgiving me.


            I wouldn’t forgive me either if I were him, I thought as I turned slowly to make my way inside the hospital. I tried my best to push the thought of Danny’s car driving away so I could focus my thoughts on my real problem. Beau being in critical condition. I scoffed as I walked in, I mean I understand Danny hating me but he doesn’t have to take it out on his child, I thought.


            The cold air from the hospital hit me right in the face as I walked in the double doors. It seemed like the whole hospital was completely silent. As I made my way back into my room, the same nurse that had been in my room was standing there looking at my bed shocked.


            “Miss Smith, I do not advise you to get out of bed right now. You have had a long night, and it is hospital rules that you stay overnight under our care. So, please lay back down and cooperate.” She said, while looking agitated. Suddenly I noticed that the sweet lady from when I woke up had vanished into a sour and rude woman.


            I crawled back into my bed and sat there willing myself to hold back my sobs. As I stared off into space, I saw the older nurse glancing at me while still writing in her workbook.


            “Hun, you look the same way I did when my husband told me he was divorcing me.” She said with a small laugh.


            No, I just lost the love of my life because I couldn’t open my mouth and tell him he had a son. I glanced over at her, and then laid back in a fetal position. My head started pounding from trying my make myself hold in my tears, but they slowly started to seep out.


            “Mam, are you okay?” She asked, while stepping closer to the car. “Do I need to go grab your husband?”


            “He is not my husband.” I choked out loudly, as she turned to scurry out of the room to go fetch a man that was no longer there.

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