Between Love & Deception (Chapter 21)

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            I rolled my eyes, “That’s not a good idea.” I said quietly. Knowing that it’s really not a good idea.

            He took a step towards me and smiled, “When have either of us cared whether they are good or bad ideas?” His words were still slurring a good bit, but with his hand lying gently on my cheek; he was hard to resist.

            I had too though, “I still don’t think so.” I said, as I turned to walk out of the room but he caught me by the arm.

            “Look, its one night. Please…” He sighed a bit and then looked at me seriously. “I won’t touch you, you have my word Samantha.”

            I stood there for along moment, wondering what I would say to him but nothing came to mind. Instead, my eyes rolled into the back of my head and I turned and walked out of the room that we had both been standing in. I walked into my room, with Danny trailing right along behind me.

            I know, it may seem like I am being mean; but really being rude to him tonight, only left me with a piece of mind. I was only hoping that it would take all these feelings I had towards him away though.

            That’s all I want.

            Now, after he has drunkenly told me that he still loves me, and he wishes Beau is his child it makes everything ten times harder. I sighed, as I felt the bed shift downward as he sank into the bed next to me. His body only felt amazing next to mine though, he put of so much heat that it was crazy.

            I know he told me that I had his word that he wouldn’t touch me, but being in the bed with him like this only makes me want to touch him.




Chapter 21






            I rolled over, half way away to try to tide the bright sunlight flowing in from the cracked drapes. It was more than annoying since I have a hangover and all.  I turned the opposite I had been laying, but there was a small figure next to me. I couldn’t tell who she was though, her face was muffled under the covers. Probably trying to hide from the sun as well. I leaned up, looking around come to think of it, where am i?


            As I lay back down, I pulled the cover over my head. I didn't even bother to look, she was probably some whore I decided to take from the bar last night.


            I closed my eyes again, and tried going back to sleep but I know that wasn’t going to happen.


            My mind was sorting out my thoughts from last night, but none of the seemed to go together. It was like I remembered everything up until late night and now I can’t even come close to remembering anything I did after that.

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