Between Love & Deception (Chapter 19)

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           Izzy looked sad for a moment but then she smiled, “I was just telling you Sam, I know that there isn’t anything between you guys anymore but still something tells me that he is still drawn to you or maybe it’s Beau. You know he always wanted kids, and he can’t have any.” She stood up from the chair again as she rambled, “I just want my brother to be happy.” She finally turned and started walking to the front door.

            I laughed a little bit, “What makes you think I can make him happy?” I called out curiously.


            She smiled a broad smile, “I am not as ditzy as you think Sam, I saw his eyes light up the other night at the party every time you made a move…” She giggled a bit, “Well, when he was actually there being social.”

            After her last statement, she was gone. Tears just started floating out of my eyes, how could she possibly giveme her consent to be with her brother now after I have ruined everything by keeping a big secret?




Chapter 19






            His smile was contagious, almost to the point where I wish so badly that I could forget anything had every happened between me and Danny. Honestly, I wished that I could make myself be in love with him.


            I glanced around at the fancy restaurant he brought me too; the place was dimly lit, and there were candles set everywhere. Truth be told, it looked like a scene in a sappy romance movie. It was every woman’s dream to have a romantic guy that could do these kinds of things for her.


            I sat across from Carter, and listened while he talked about baseball. He was mostly saying how much he missed it, and that he couldn’t wait for his season to start back up. I smiled at the fact that baseball is his passion and desire.


            Only, that is what let me know that we could never be together. He had something more important to fulfill in his life; his dream. I needed someone to be passionate about their relationship with Beau and I. I couldn’t possible let him take on such a responsibility, when he has other, more important things in his life.


            Suddenly, Carter’s smile faded as he looked at me with curious eyes. “What is on your mind Sam? You have been totally dazed out through dinner.”


            I shook my head, and smiled. “Nothing is wrong. I just think we need to talk about some important things.”


            Carter’s looked at me as if he already knew what was coming, but I still sat in silence waiting for him to say something.

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