Between Love & Deception (Chapter 45)

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           “Daddy!” His voice was filled with excitement, and he looked like he was jumping on something. I heard a deep and low laughter coming from behind past the bush.

            I swallowed hard, as I looked up to Aden who was also watching with a large smile on his face. Confused, I walked faster to my front steps and tried to take in what I was seeing.

            Danny and Beau.

            Beau was pretty much laid out on top of Danny, and Danny had his arms around him and he was smiling. He was actually smiling, a real smile. A real smile that I hadn’t seen in over four months. My heart rate started escalating very quickly, as I watched dumb-founded.

            Aden leans down and kisses me on the cheek. “Looks like you got your happy ending sooner than you thought.” He said, while smiling.



Chapter 45



Danny- Minutes before



            I walked out of JFK airport, in New York City, and I studied the outside for a bit. It had been so long since I was put in this place. The place where I was born. The place where my son was born. The skyscrapers’ stood tall and it was loud out. I smiled at the fact that soon I would be where I was always supposed to be, with my family. I hailed a cab, and quickly got in.


            The older man in the front seat glanced at my excited face from the rearview mirror, “Where am I taking you?” He grunted, while letting the cigarrette hang from his mouth.


            “The Upper-West side in Manhattan, then West on Manhattan Avenue.” I said, all the while thanking Carter for giving her address to me.


            The cab took off, and I sat relaxed in my seat while gazing out the window watching the people walk by. I smiled, in realization that everything was about to be in the place it was supposed to be. I would now have my son and be able to get to know him and love him and I would propose to Samantha. Well, I would. We still have some things to work out. I mean, what if she doesn’t want me anymore?


            The cab driver zoomed in and out of traffic, and down the quickest roads. I internally thanked him as well; I couldn’t even explain how ready I was to just be there to see their faces.


            What seemed like an hour later, I was standing outside a cute, small house with a walk up and burgundy shutters. My heart warmed, as I noticed the small lap that was on in the front window of the house. This was Samantha and Beau’s house.


            I climbed up the front steps, and then swiftly knocked on the door. I almost couldn’t take the suspense any longer. It was about to kill me, I just wanted to see both of their faces. I wanted to see their reaction.

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