Chapter 1

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Deimos' POV

My eyes opened to a darkness unknown to me.

It was a strange form of darkness. It seemed to wrap itself around me, snaking along, around and through my body, clutching me with an evil embrace.

I couldn't move. I couldn't think.

My body wouldn't respond. No matter how hard I tried, my body stayed firm and unmoving. I simply laid there, limp, while the darkness encompassed me with an agonizing slowness. What was this? Where am I? My thoughts finally registered in my mind. What am I doing? Why can't I move? I tried moving again, but received the same result.


It was as if this darkness was controlling me, holding me down.

I couldn't see.

I couldn't move.

What is this?

How did I end up like this? What's going to happen to me? More and more thoughts occurred in my mind, making me more confused than before.

The darkness stopped.

The questions grew silent as well, disappearing from my mind. What happened-


An extreme, earth shattering pain exploded in my mind, sending shockwaves of immense pain throughout my body and sending my nerves into a frenzy.


Even more pain engulfed my mind as I felt my consciousness being ripped from my body. Every single cell in my body screamed out in agony, and I opened my mouth to scream.

Nothing came out.

I felt like I was dying, like I was going insane. I-

It stopped. Everything stopped.

Relief suddenly flooded over me as the pain slowly subsided. My body relaxed as the pain finally left my body, becoming almost nothing more than just a memory.



What's a memory?


My eyes widened at the darkness that was still there, still existent.

Who. . . who am I ?

The question hit me hard, sending my mind into a frenzy. Dozens, hundreds, thousands of questions entered my mind, All of them going unanswered. All of them being turned down. Many of them too confusing to even be answered.

What am I?

Who am I?

Where am I?

What's my name?

How did I get here?

Do I have friends? Family? A home?


I sat up.

I didn't do that. I moved on my own. All by myself.

I thought I couldn't move. Why am I moving on my own? Why?


I panicked. Insanely so. Immensely so. I frantically searched my mind for something. Something that could help me. Something that could make me understand what was going on.

Something that could pull me out of my insanity.

But nothing in my mind helped. None of it calmed me down. It all just fuelled my insanity.

Even still, I continued to search for something, anything.

No matter where I searched, all I found where the same questions.

Who, What, Where am I? They repeated over and over.

I had no memories.

I had no past. I couldn't remember anything about it. No names of family, friends, not even my own name.

But there was something else.

Deep within my empty mind, within the dark and cold expanse of mind, I found a new memory. Except it wasn't a memory, it was an instruction. One that sent an immediate fear through my body. A instruction that sent chills throughout my entire being.

The law of the Darkness is absolute. Disobedience means death.

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Thank you for taking the time to read this book. I'm really new to this so I hope that you will support me during this journey of CHOSEN.

This is my first book so I hope that you guys vote, comment, like, share, vote, and whatever else you do to a Wattpad book. Thank you for reading and I hope that you continue to support and enjoy my book.

Another thing to note is that my book has very slow updates. If that is not your thing, I would advise that you wait until the story is completed.


People have been known to somehow get confused and mostly lost whilst indulging themselves in the first few chapters.

Although the chapters get better overtime, I still employ you all to equip yourselves with a map and compass when reading these said chapters. (Oh, and if this this is taken seriously, please consult a doctor.)

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