Chapter 17

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He gave me a low chuckle  before shrugging his shoulders. "I thought you would of said that", he replied, watching the liquid with a disgusting smile on his face while I simply sat there, totally dumbfounded. Impregnate her?

I should of known. I should of known that he would have had some sort of sick, disgusting agenda hidden up his sleeve somewhere. I should of known that he would have had some other sick goal that he wanted to achieve. I should of known that he would of have given me yet another excuse to kill him.

 "What's this all of a sudden Alpha? I thought you hate the Omega? Isn't she like some kind of toy to you? If not, why all the abuse?" I asked truthfully, trying to make sense of this revelation and also trying to suppress to growl that was slowly making its way up my throat. He simply shrugged, taking another sip of alcohol. "Hate is a strong word, Gray. I can't hate the future maker of my heirs. And that wasn't abuse; I was simply. . .  disciplining her, or more specifically, her wolf."

"Beating someone to a plump, heck, beating a little girl to a pulp. You seriously call all that discipline?" I tried to sound as composed as possible,but my wolf however, wasn't that generous. Blaez didn't seem to look affected by my words, nor did he didn't look like heard the anger in my tone. He simply placed his glass on the table, stood up, and walked over to the large glass door which led to my balcony. There was a long silence between us before he spoke up once more.

"There was this thing my father once told me. He said, 'Mates are a werewolf's weakness. They dilute the purity and strength of our breed, making our race weaker. They make disgraceful kin that further weaken the were' kingdom every time those generation procreate. That is why our family is strong. We do not choose mates nor do we believe in them. Instead, we choose those wolves with the most suitable genes so that our kin are strong and pure. And in the end, our kin will be strong while they will be weak. . .' something like that," he murmured. I took the last swig of my glass before relinquishing my cup, dropping it unto table while trying to calm down my wolf, who was becoming more and more irritated as the minutes went by.

"We were a strong, clan. . . my family and I. We were one of the purest wolf breeds. An also one of the most brutal. My father once told me that I was the strongest Malcaan, or pure breed as you would say, that his clan had ever created. And also the most unstable", he stared at me, and I stared right back, although part of me was telling me to get the hell out of there.

"My pack was strong, yes. But we weren't united. After many years of hatred, wars and bloodshed amongst themselves, my clan was extinguished, with me being the only survivor."

"My wolf and I knew that our clan had to be reborn, and to do that, we just had to find the wolf with the specific genes to ensure my heir's purity. The years of our clan's traditions was firmly planted deep into my genes, and allowed my wolf to easily sense the one who will have these 'special genes' he so desperately desired. So I travelled the continent, searching 'far and wide' as the elders would say.  Over the years, I began gaining followers, many of which practiced some, if not all of the same traditions as my clans did. Those that didn't. . .  well, you know."

"One day though, I thought I had found her, my 'special one'. But instead I found someone else", He spoke a little lower and I froze at his next words. "I met my mate."

I was dumbfounded for the second time that day. He actually had a Mate? How was that possib-

"I killed her immediately of course. Her genes were. . . so weak. It was disgraceful", he scoffed. "I had about four mates in total. . . and I killed them all. It was during those moments that I realized how true my father had been. So. . . I continued searching. . . and searching. . . until my group and I stumbled upon a tiny pack of about only a few dozen people. We would have passed them, let them live to see another day. But then I sensed it. My special genes were right there. Right in their territory. I knew what I had to do. It was tough, but after a pretty gruesome fight I finally got rid of all those damn red haired wolves." Red hair?

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