Chapter 14

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Marley's POV

Where is she? I'm literally speaking to myself right now! I groaned loudly while kicking a chunk of snow off of the last step of the house. 'That isn't anything new', my wolf interjected. 'Don't sass me mutt', I huffed and she let out a dramatic gasp. 'Oh. No. You. Didn't', she growled playfully. "Oh yes I did. Wanna fight?!" I said loudly, accidently scaring off a few pack members nearby.  

"See what you did?" I joked. 'Whatever. . .' she sang. I looked up at the hills and groaned loudly once again. Honestly, I was getting slightly worried by the fact that Elliot hadn't come back since morning, and right now it was waay  passed noon. I felt the urge to go up there and search for her, but suddenly going up on the hills may raise Blaez's suspicion. 'You know, she might of left with the Wanderer. They must be miles away from here by now', she sighed. 'Mate would of been glad to hear that she finally got away', she said sadly and I nodded. I really wished that he was still here with me, side by side like we always used to be. but he's gone now. I shook my head. No more sad thoughts. "Can you smell her?" I finally asked her after our long silence. She took some control of my body and sniffed the air. 'For the millionth time today Marls' I don't smell. . .'

"What's wrong, did you find her?"

'Can't you speak in our mind?'

'Oh, sorry. Now what's wrong?' I asked, getting a little more worried.'I sense hostility. .  .' Oh no.

'From Blaez. . .' And just like that, Blaez's massive blonde-ish looking wolf was now in front of me, his nose flaring wildly. His anger shook his body furiously, as plumes of smoke rose from his agitated form. His presence was so intimidating that it even made me, a literal Luna, bow my head in submission. I knew what was wrong and his next words just confirmed it.


'I asked you a D*MN QUESTION MARLEY! WHERE. IS. SHE!!' he yelled as he completely shifted back to his original form. "Oh my God! Your right! Where is she?" I gasped dramically, pretending to look around. You ain't getting anything from me you little sh*t.

With a deafening roar, he lunged at me, knocking me a few feet away from his intimidating form. I felt a painful crack of my limbs as my body hit the ground. Before I could even recover, two large hands pulled me up from my former position, and I was now staring deep in the black, crazed eyes of Blaez. He suddenly began sniffing the air frantically, then turned back to me. "Why can't I smell her Marley? Please answer me truthful this time? I just wanna find my Elly Marley. Please? For me?" he asked, his voice suddenly sounding far from sane.

He has a problem. Well problems. You know how some people treasure certain items so much, that they'll literally loose it if something was to happen to it? Well that's Blaez. In his own sick, twisted and inhumane sort of way. She was like his little obsession that he'd never let out of his sights. "Don't you ever say that name in your mouth again", I spat, finally gaining the courage to glare at him. There was a look of disbelief on his face. Then anger. Then. . . amusement? He let me go, then turned to look at the hills.

"I've already sent two trackers after her. . ." he stopped as I huffed at him. "Trackers? What can Trackers do to a Cursed wol-" Shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up!

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