Chapter 31

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Gray's POV

"Oh, so you guys finally came outside to see the light of day", A snarky remark from beside Marley and I had me turning towards the familiar voice.

After laughing off the awkward moment we had before, we had finally managed to crawl out of the tent and into the freezing air of the not so great outdoors. "So, why are you guys still here? Didn't I tell you about the Elders?" Kyle spoke again, his face set into a slight frown. "Well, we were about to go there, but then Marley decided that she wanted to go see the weapon's crate in the back. So we're currently debating on whether to go there, or go to the Elders first", I looked down at Marley as she shook her head in agreement. 

There was a weapon's crate that I had found a long time ago whilst on patrol. Seeing how important this find was, I integrated it into my plot against Blaez, just in case we needed it. I already knew that bullets would have little affect on Blaez himself, but I had always hoped that enough rounds into his flesh would do the trick. However, it didn't. I was partially to blame actually. After blazing the bastard with several rounds of ammunition from his own weapon, I realized that I had actually missed most of his major organs.

I had a really bad aim.

Thankfully, The cursed wolf came along and saved everyone, so the crate was no longer needed. I never told Marley about the crate, but when I did not too long ago, her eyes lit up excitedly, as if she was a child that had found out that they were going to get candy for dinner.

"I mean, I doubt they would be that angry at our late attendance. . . right?" her eyes still held that sparkle and she almost couldn't stay still. Was she that excited about guns? "But for the Elders to request our presence. . . it must be important. But. . . But. . . Ahh! what do those old crones want?!" She suddenly yelled, causing a figure nearby to flinch suddenly.


"Dammit Marley. . . could you please not do that? My hearing has been extra sensitive as of late." She strolled into view slowly, rubbing her enlarged stomach. Zoe was almost the complete opposite to her Mate in every way. While Kyle was soft spoken, she was a little outgoing and talkative person, and was also very strong minded and even aggressive, especially since she was with child. She had smooth, pale skin and bright blue eyes, which decorated her small face. She also had really short hair, which barely reached her shoulders, giving her a tom boy look. "Oh, Zoe! I didn't see you there", Marley threw a pleasant smile in the direction of Zoe, who sent one in return. "That's surprising. I'm easily visible everywhere now, with this enormous stomach and all. Isn't that right, Kyle?"

"Of course hone- Umm. . .  I mean. . . what did you just-"

She clicked her tongue at him and Kyle's eyes widened.

After a few minutes of her completely ignoring the poor male as he begged for her forgiveness, she finally managed to shoo him away, delighted in his defeated posture.

She was feeling evil that day.

"So guys", she suddenly spoke, "Let's get to the point here." She looked serious and Marley and I looked at each other in concern before turning back to the pregnant female.

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