Chapter 48

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A few days later.

Edge of the Eastern territories.

Grey's POV

Iris was only the beginning of the hell we faced as we tried to flee to Spring Haven. 

After the attack, we buried our dead, and continued along our route. Along the way, we met other packs, who were also trying to flee to Spring Haven. Most of them were attacked by Vulcans along the way. Some managed to escape. . . but others were not so fortunate. Some people lost their leaders, others lost their families, and some had their entire pack wiped out, right before their eyes. We all decided to travel together, to protect the people we had left.

That gave us a false sense of hope.

The closer we got to Spring Haven, the more frequent the attacks. Most of the Vulcans we faced were weaker than an Alpha, so we managed to defend ourselves from their assault. However, there was a select few that we couldn't fight against. Once those larger, more powerful Vulcans appeared, we could only run, and hope that they didn't follow. 

They followed, and killed many of us.

Moonshine, and everyone else, lost members one by one. People lost friends, family members, mates. . . There was no telling who would be the next victim. That destroyed everyone's morale.

Some people abandoned our group, others committed suicide. As we met more wolves, the cycle continued. 

Soon, we ran out of food and water, and many people fell ill because of the Vulcans' poisonous fluids. We had to a safe place to tend to the wounded, and we desperately needed to restock on supplies. That's when we stumbled upon a human village, hidden behind a dense wall of trees and vegetation. Somehow, this wall of vegetation had a large gap, one that was recently opened.

It looked as if someone had planted an explosive there. 

We all decided to venture inside, but then changed our minds when we saw burnt, bullet riddled carcasses of wolves near the village. 

Not knowing what was up ahead, I, along with a few other strong members were sent to investigate. The moment we entered the village however, we were met by the most gruesome discovery. 

A sea of blood, limbs and organs. 

An entire village of humans were slaughtered, along with a large number of Royal Gold wolves. No one knew why the Golden wolves were in the human village, and no one really cared.

We've seen enough bloodshed. 

We waded through the blood, and gathered any supplies we could find.

Once that was done, we left that village, not knowing whether it was safe to stay there any longer. 

So we left, and for days, we traveled. We traveled through the wastelands, and escaped from the waves of Vulcans that appeared. 

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