Chapter 19

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Elliot's POV

"Come on!"


"Hurry up!"

"I can't-"

"We're almost there!"

"Slow down!"

"Just a few more steps!"

We swerved around the corner, passing a few Omegas along the way, before stopping harshly by the bathroom door. Marley then kicked open said door, much to the surprise of the bathroom full of Omegas. "Sh*t!" Marley groaned and closed the door.

"The bathroom's full. Damn it. . . you wake up late one time, and this is what you get," she whined, kicking the wall beside us. "W-we could just wait till they're finished", I explained. Marley raised her eyebrows slightly but turned away from me, A thoughtful look on her face.

"No we don't. . . I know a place", she replied. She took my hand in hers and I allowed her to lead me through the house and up some stairs. Ever since last night, my wolf had pulled me out of the mental wall I was rebuilding, using most of her strength to give me back total reign over my body. I've always been hurting her that way, constantly draining what little energy she had left. I started feeling a little more like myself, however, but the coldness that I had been recently been feeling still lingered around me, encasing me in a depressive state that had slowly been getting worse. As we walked in silence, I looked at Marley then looked down at our enclosed palms, which provided me with some level of warmth.

But not warm enough, I thought as we silently strolled up the stairs which led to the second floor of the house. I didn't realize it yet, but I was unconsciously searching for a different warmth. A warmth that only my mate can provide. Marley guide me past the many rooms until we stood in front of a large door that was covered in a strange, yet beautifully patterned design. Marley then suddenly crouched at the door near a long mat and turned it over to reveal a gold key. She then fixed the mat and unlocked the door. With a long creak, the door opened; and the scent of the room flooded the empty hallway.

Strangely, the room smelled like Marley, mixed together with another unknown one. My eyes then locked on to her as she walked into the room with a strange look of determination on her face. "Come on", I heard Marley's soft voice as she tugged me into the room.

My eyes widened slightly as I took in the room. A large king sized bed took up almost half of the room. It laid next to a large window that was covered in long white curtains that contrasted with the dark blue walls. A large closet also took up most of the space in the wide room along with a long table piled high with paper. I flinched as I heard the sudden sound of water spraying furiously in a room and I turned my head just in time to see Marley step out of the door next to the closet that I strangely didn't notice.

She walked around the room like she owned it, passing her hands along the the soft curtains and on the bed. She then plopped down unto it before staring directly at me. "The shower still works, thank goodness. Do you wanna go first or. . . We could take a bath together if you'd like", she stared at me expectantly, but I still felt concerned about the room. "Whose room was this?" I asked. She smiled at me while passing her hands along the white, silk sheets of the bed. "It was mine- well Daniel and I's", her smile faded a bit and I frowned. That explained why her scent was all over the room. The other scent must have been her mate's. If this was her room, then why hadn't she-

"You must be wondering why I never came back up here", she asked and I nodded slowly. She stood up and walked over to the table. "He was always so messy. . . so disorganized", she muttered to herself whilst shuffling some the paper around. She then spun around to face me. "Everything in here. . . reminded me of him. It was just too much for me to handle at the time. . . It still is", she mumbled the last part to herself. I inwardly sighed; Marley's sad. I still didn't like to see her that way. I should cheer her up, I thought. "H-he smelled nice."

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