Chapter 58

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Lala's POV

Only three days after our meeting with the queen, we had completely prepared for her plan to infiltrate the enemy's territory, to identify who's talent 'Elliot' stole.

Since the mission's success was based solely on me, I had to undergo several surgeries within  that time to ensure that I was in perfect shape, and well camouflaged for the operation.

Most of my pores were purposefully closed, so that my Vulcan odor was minimalized. That meant that my scent wouldn't be easily picked up by trackers, patrol wolves, or any other wolf with a high sense of smell. I also received the clothes of a werewolf, to further mask my scent. My vocal cords were also altered so that my words wouldn't be as broken, or as Akmal said to me. . . 'imperfect.' My horns were also filed down, and I was ordered not to regenerate them until the mission was over.

I enjoyed poking Akmal with my horns, so following this order was a struggle for me.

A few more changes was made, including the ability to change my pigment, so that I could blend in with the werewolves. 

After the surgeries were completed, Akmal checked me over several times, ensuring that his work was perfect. This normally meant that he would check every part of my naked form, to ensure that there was nothing out of place or done incorrectly.

This was a completely normal thing for him to do. After all, I became a Vulcan Lord due to Akmal's surgical modifications. To me it was just another part of his procedure. I never had a problem with him viewing my body.

Until that exact moment.

A strange feeling came over me at the time, and I felt the urge to cover myself. It only lasted a moment, mostly because I only started to experience it around the same time that he had finished his observations.

 After that, I began valuing clothes more than I used to (I usually only wore them because the Queen ordered me to), and was even annoyed at Akmal for looking at my body (for some unknown reason). All of these things were completely new to me, and it annoyed me even more.

What annoyed me the most was that I couldn't explain my feelings, so I couldn't tell Akmal about it.

So ignored it, hoping that it would just go away on its own.  

It never really did.

Thankfully, the day of the mission came.

Although the mission was only supposed to be executed only by me, the queen suddenly decided that she wanted to go as well. This last minute change of plans greatly worried the Cursed wolves, who tried their best to deter her from putting herself in danger. Aria was the most determined, trying her best to stop their mother from going so close to the enemy.

The Queen didn't budge however.

They argued with her for several minutes, trying to get her to see how dangerous it was for her to go to the enemy's territory with me.

In frustration, she decided to take Neve and Akmal with us, so that 'her chances of being harmed are reduced'. Aria, sensing defeat, stormed off without saying goodbye. Seeing that Aria was brushed off so easily, the other Cursed wolves accepted their defeat, and hoped for a successful mission without incident.

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