Chapter 72

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Elliot's POV

Deimos' finger trailed down my cheek as he  sorted out his thoughts. Normally, I would swat his hands away, but the absentminded stroking of my cheek was oddly comforting.

. . . And pleasing.

I bit my lip as a he passed his hand behind my neck, before giving it a squeeze.

The sensation that I felt from that simple action, was enough to remind me that my heat was just around the corner. 

"Alright, that's enough", I said, before removing his hand. The moment I released his arm, he lowered it onto my lap. I looked up at him, and sighed when I released that his focus still wasn't on me.

"You don't even know the affect you have on me sometimes, huh?" I said.

Then I freaked out when he looked down at me.

"Did you say something?"

I quickly looked away whilst tucking my hair behind my ear. "Huh? No, I-I was just. . . mumbling to myself."

He hummed, before looking at a nearby nurse. She walked past us, and for some reason, Deimos' eyes remained on her form. I looked between the two, and a frown appeared on my face.


He suddenly patted my thigh, before standing up. "I'll be right back", he said, before walking in the direction of the medical wolf.

I watched as he stood in front of her, causing her to flinch in response. He then started talking to her, and she hesitantly replied to him. 

I found myself staring specifically at the she-wolf, analyzing her facial features.

'Why is he talking to her?' I found myself wondering. I looked at her brown eyes, then her long brown hair. I watched the way she moved her hands, and the way she responded to Deimos. I then turned to Deimos, and watched how he seemed to speak to her with a sense of familiarity.

Unknowingly, I clenched my jaw.  

The medical nurse finally left, but Deimos didn't move from his spot. She quickly returned, carrying a jug, along with two cups. Deimos took the items, before nodding his head at her. She then turned around, and went back to wherever she was going in the first place. I focused on her back for so long, that I didn't even notice that Deimos returned to my side. 

That his, until he placed the cup of cold water against my cheek. 

I squeaked, before glaring up at the man. "That's cold!"

"I know."

He handed me the cup, before sitting next to me.

"Why can't you be nice to me", I mumbled, and he huffed. "I'm nice all of the time."

"Please tell me you're joking."

He took a sip of water, before lowering his cup. "I'm definitely not. If I treated you like how I treated everyone else, I'm pretty sure that I'll break you", he quipped, and I raised an eyebrow.

"Fair enough."

His hand found its way back on my form, and this time, I swatted it off. "You could be nicer, you know", I continued, watching as his hand found its way back on my side. "I think I'm nice enough", he rebutted, causing me to frown.

Then I had an idea. 

"What if I make it an order?"

He narrowed his eyes. 

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