Chapter 43

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Europa's POV

"How much of threat is Elliot?"

Assessing the threat now, will help us to plan for the future. I knew that it sounded crazy. No one would look at someone like Elliot and think that she was dangerous. . . but in that moment. . . that look in her eyes. . . 

In all my years of service, I've grown an ability to sense danger. In that moment with Elliot, I suddenly felt as if Deimos wasn't the person to be worried about the most.

"I already told you what I knew. There's nothing else to be said. She never showed me any signs of-" Deimos suddenly stopped, as if he suddenly remembered something. 

"She lied to me. . . once."

His silver eyes glowed as he lowered his gaze. He looked as if he was deep in thought, trying organize something in his mind. "She once implied that she wasn't pure. When I asked her about what she said, she lied", he looked up at me. "But that could of meant anything."

"I know."

I sighed loudly, then walked over to the tree. "She's a tiny little omega. She looks like it. . . she acts like it. I. . . I don't know", I gave up on trying to figure out the she-wolf. She may of simply had a really bad past, one filled with so much trauma, that she had to force herself to forget.

Maybe I saw the wrong thing.

Did I?

Deimos' gaze remained downward, with his hands on his hips.  "Even though I've lived for so long, I still barely know anything about Crimson wolves. The only thing I've heard was that that they had an incredible ability to adapt to their environment. How did they manage to remain so elusive? Why were they so suspicious?"

"Why were our genes mixed with the genes of only Red werewolves?"

My eyes widened.

Cursed wolves were said to have been made by humans, bred with intended purpose of protecting human from the overwhelming strength of the werewolves. 

The secret behind their strength was unknown to almost everyone. Was it because. . .

Suddenly, the sound of laughter came from behind us, and I turned to see a large group of people handing towards us.

The girls.

They marched down to the river, which was exactly behind us, most likely to take a evening bath. Because of where we stood, we weren't noticed. I managed to notice a familiar red head within the crowd of women. She walked alongside Lilly, who was talking at a mile a minute at anyone who was listening. As they came closer to us, she suddenly started looking around, her nose twitching. I immediately turned to Deimos. He was still deep in thought, but as soon as Elliot replied to Lilly, Deimos' ears twitched, the sharp lobes tilting in her direction. I smiled to myself.

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