Chapter 26

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Elliot's POV


That was all I wanted. . . all that I wished for. Silence from all of the distortions of the the present. Silence from all of the noise of the past.


Night after night I had fought for it, Especially in my dreams. But the silence never came. All that was there was the noise. The noise neither comforted, nor did it bring forth peace. No, it trampled on my courage, destroyed my will to fight. It weakened my will to live.

The noise reminded me of my past.

It was merciless, unforgiving, and cruel. It shoved my past in my face over and over, as if it was some sort of game. If that noise was a living being, I would've equally compared it to Blaez, for he was cruelty itself.


Would it ever come back to me? That was what I usually asked. No, was usually the answer.

Or so I thought.

Silence came back to me that night, that strange, strange night. My nightmares, my past and the noise all came unto me as I slept, smothering me with my past. There was nothing I could do but let it wash over me, encompass me, swallow me. I couldn't think, I couldn't breath. There was nothing I could do. Nothing.





Then as if a fog suddenly lifted;

The silence came.

There was only one way I could describe it, only one way that it felt.

Warm. It was warm. It cradled me so gently, embraced me so quietly. It felt so new, so. . . foreign. Yet it felt so safe and inviting. I craved after the new feeling that washed over me. I couldn't let it go, not for a second. I held on to the feeling tightly, not wanting to let it go. I could let it go. I wouldn't-

It was too late.

The comfort left me. The warmth slithered away. The silence disappeared.

And left me alone with the noise.

In an instant, it surrounded me, shot through me, stabbed into me. It dragged me back down into the depths of my memories, into the dark areas where my horrifying past resided. I tried to get away, to get as far away from it all. To go back to the calm I previously felt.

But it was still too late. I was already captured by my past. There was no running that could be done. Not anymore.

Memory after memory presented itself to me, each one bringing back the gut wrenching fear that came along with it. One memory in particular made my entire being shake with fear.

It was the days after Blaez killed my parents. I had grown into a completely delirious state after I witnessed their gruesome deaths, and I had to be completely beaten down or else I would run off and wander aimlessly in the woods, searching for my dead parents.

In the memory, I was being dragged back to a clearing in the woods where Blaez's pack had resided. I was dreaming, I know I was. But everything I saw seemed so real, that the familiar fear rose from deep within me. I knew what was going to happen.

"Alpha Blaez!" The man that was dragging me called out to him. Blaez's form stepped out of the dark woods and loomed over me. The memory seemed distorted, because suddenly everyone else seemed to disappear. "Again and again, you run away. And again and again, we beat you into submission." He stared at me intently as I struggled to stand. I began frantically looking around, searching for my 'parents'.

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