Chapter 70

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Elliot's POV

"You've got to be kidding me. . . " Europa said, the moment she laid her eyes on Lilliana. Lilliana grinned, before raising her hand in the air. "Commie!" 

"Don't call me that."

Europa sighed, before leaning against my chair. "Why do you attract so many dangerous people to you?" She asked, before turning to all the Leaders in the room. "I can confirm that Lilliana works under the King. . . so her statement is indeed true. The King is personally on his way to assist his people."

With that, the entire room was alit with enthusiastic murmurs. 

After Deimos' arrival, I mind linked Europa, as well as the other Leaders. I requested to meet with them urgently. Thankfully, they all came as requested, so I was able to give them all the good news.

"Are you sure? Are you truly certain, miss Lilliana?" Alpha Michael asked. Lilliana, who was picking at the old wooden table, stopped her actions and looked up. 

"Are you calling me a liar?"

Her silver eyes alone were enough to make him look away. "Lilliana", I said sternly, and she pouted at me. "Lilliana is quite unpredictable, but she's a horrible liar", Europa replied to Alpha Michael.

'She lied to you, though', Octavia quipped, directing the statement to me. 

'And you just went along with it', I replied. "So that's it then? We just wait until the King comes?" An Alpha spoke up. The commander stepped forward, before putting her hand on the map draped across the large table. "We don't wait. . . We meet him halfway. We continue on the path we were all heading to. . . and make our way. . . here."

She pointed at a territory that stood between us and Spring Haven. 

"The Zonas pack."

She straightened up and looked at the Leaders in the room. "If my predictions are accurate, we'll most likely make contact with the King around here. If not, we'll seek refugee there, and hopefully. . . acquire whatever resources remain at that pack."

I frowned at her statement. Is she talking about stealing their resources?


"They've most likely left since they're usually one of the first to arrive whenever there is a great migration. Hopefully, they left behind what they couldn't carry."

"Do you think we would make it?"

A Luna leaned forward and nervously looked at all of us. "We'll have to travel at a much slower pace, because of all the wounded. . . during that time, our resources would simply disappear. Are we sure that we would make it?"

"Anything can happen in those woods because nature is unpredictable. As a werewolf, you should know that. I cannot say that we'll make it with all our people. . . I can't say that we'll make it at all. But we must put faith in our people, in our King, and most importantly, in our Goddess. If we can't do that. . . then we'll get far."

Some of the leaders seemed to agree. Others mostly seemed relieved.

But some Leaders seemed to glance at each other suspiciously.

"So we won't have to. . . abandon our sick?" An Alpha asked. The commander shook her head. "At least, not now."

Alpha Michael lowered his head and seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"So that's it then. With this new information coming to light, I see no need for us to proceed with our original plan. For now, we should inform our people, then return to discuss the exact day of our move."

With that, he stood up and gently helped his mate up as well. It looked as though he was going to end the meeting until he looked at me. "Also. . . Luna Elliot, we still haven't held the ceremony to honor the dead."

I immediately knew what he was talking about.

"Why don't we do it before we all leave?" I asked. Alpha Michael thought about it, before turning to everyone. "Anyone else agrees?" he asked, and most of the Leaders voiced their agreement. The suspicious Leaders from before. . . simply stared at me.

"Then we'll do it the day before we leave."

The Leaders all stood up and began talking amongst each other. Once they began leaving, Lilly looked up, then eagerly grabbed my hand. "Is it over?" She asked. "It is-"

She got up, sent me a peace sign, then exited the room. ". . . Well, I guess that's it for us", I said to Marley, who seemed focused on something else. "Marley?" I called out to her, and she almost flinched, before turning to me. "Oh, sorry. . . I was just. . ."

I tilted my head.

"Do you. . . want to tell Gray the good news?" I asked, but she simply stared at me. I thought that I was actually wrong, until she stood up, and looked at the entrance. "I didn't visit him this morning. . . maybe I should go and. . ." She trailed off, and I smiled. "Okay. See you later."

She nodded, before exiting the room.

"Well then, I guess I should-"

"Luna Elliot!" Alpha Michael called out to me as he made his way to through the crowd of people. "A word?" He asked. I nodded, then followed him as he went outside. We walked a fair distance away from the tent, before stopping in an isolated area. I watched him curiously as he looked around to verify that there was no one nearby.  "Here seems far enough", he said, before turning around. "There's something  I want to talk to you. . . about. . ."

Alpha Michael trailed off as he looked over his shoulder. I looked back and realized that his mate was now standing behind me. 

With her arms folded.

"Claire. . ." He sighed, as she walked between the two of us, and started pushing him away from me. "C-Claire doesn't really like me, does she?" I asked. Alpha Michael simply grinned, before putting his hand on his mate's shoulders. "She's just a little possessive since she's the more dominant wolf in the relationship."

I hummed and watched in amusement as she glared at me. Strangely, it didn't seem hateful, and she never tried to attack me before. She just didn't want a female near her mate. In a way, I could relate.

So I turned around and took a step forward.

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