Chapter 60

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Elliot's POV

"Maybe you should get some armor from the commander-"

"Shut it."

"As Marley said, Moonshine has grown restless. So you should probably prepare for anything-"


". . . Have you practiced your Luna speech-"

"I-If you won't stop teasing me about this, you can just leave!"

I angrily threw a sock at him, and he caught with his pinky. He then sent me that annoying smirk, reveling in my suffering. 

After it was revealed to me that I was a Luna, I asked for a few minutes to change my clothes, which was just an excuse for me to get some time to think things through. 

I couldn't think things through, however. . . because Deimos followed me to my tent. Amused by my current predicament, He wanted to see every second of my distress, like the sadist he truly was.

"Y-you Sadist!"

"Haven't you said that several times before? Anyways, as I said, I'm just here to give you moral support."

"When have you ever given me moral support? and that's not what I need right now."

Deimos fell silent, and he absentmindedly twirled the sock around.

"You want a kiss then?"

I threw a shirt at him.

He caught the shirt as well, before folding it. "W-what I need is a bit of time. . . and space."

He tilted his head at me. 

"You don't have much time, but you do have space. Look, I'm laying over here-"

"Y-you know that's not what I meant."

He simply stared at me.

I scoffed, before holding the hem of my jersey. "Turn around."


"I'm changing!"

"Wasn't that just an excuse?" He asked, still lying there and looking at me. "It was, and it wasn't. Turn around", he slowly compiled, turning so that his back was facing me. I pulled off my jersey and debated on whether to change my bra or not. I sighed, then proceeded to remove my bra.

As soon as it came off, Deimos' ears twitched.

It was the only part of him that moved, and it seemed like it wasn't done on purpose. That movement, however, suddenly reminded me that I was currently alone with my mate.

And I was now half-naked.

I quickly changed my clothes, and thankfully, Deimos didn't attempt to turn around. "Can I look now?" He suddenly asked and I nodded, then facepalmed when I realized that he couldn't see me moving my head. 

"You may do as you please, Lucien Deimos."

He ignored my playful words and turned onto his back. He placed his hands behind his head and stared up at the ceiling.

I watched him carefully, and I noticed something weird about his posture. Despite his usual stoic appearance, his eyes told a different story. He seemed a lot more distant now than earlier.


His glowing orbs locked on to mine.

"D-did something happens?"

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