Chapter 52

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Octavia's POV

Deimos and Elliot were fighting again.

I sighed lowly as I watched their interactions through her vision. as I had nothing better to do. I didn't really get to listen to the beginning of the conversation, but I got a gist of what the entire argument was about.

"Geez, why do humans hide important information in an attempt to protect the person they're hiding it from? This is why I'll never truly understand them", I said my words with disdain, then shook my head as Deimos walked away from our form. I felt a flash of grief overwhelm our form, then came depression.

I guess the fight was a little more serious than I thought.

"Maybe I should of paid more attention. . . but then again, that's their issue, not mine." I closed off my connection to Elliot's eyes, and proceeded to wander deeper into Mindlink.

"It serves her right anyways!" I sang, skipping towards my destination. "He deserves to get angry at her from time to time. She isn't miss 'can do no wrong' anymore", I continued skipping for a while, then I stopped.

"What am I even saying. . . Grow up Octavia. Things aren't the same anymore."

I thought back to when Elliot visited me, just a few days ago. She just popped in to Mindlink, unannounced, and simply stood there in front of me, with a small smile on her face.

Of course, I let her have it.

I told her about all the pain that she put me through as I maintained her broken mind for so many years. Although I knew that most of it wasn't her fault, I still couldn't just let it go.

Plus, I was really pissed off about how she treated Deimos a few days prior, making him believe that they weren't mates when they actually were.

All the way through my rant, Elliot didn't say a word. She simply stood there, smiling silently, nodding at the harsh words that came out of my mouth. That however didn't stop me from saying all the things that I wanted to say. Finally, at the end of it all, We simply stood there, silently, for an exceptionally long time.

Then she apologized.

It pissed me off immediately, but after thinking deeply about the situation, I simply let it go.

Nothing that we said or did could of changed the past, so what was the point?

That was the thought that occurred to me at that moment. I sighed, accepted her apology, then sent her on her way, claiming that I was busy and had no more time left to speak to her.

I rubbed my eyes, as if to rub away the memory.

"The past, huh?" I said aloud as I ventured through Mindlink.

"Enough of the past. There's much more important things in the present to deal with. Like that Preheat thing that Marley talked about. That sounds really serious. I guess can't slack off anymore, huh? If I don't regulate our bodily functions more often, that preheat thing may come again", I mumbled to myself as I moved through the darkness. "But then again, didn't Marley say that it was something that happens to every female? Then I guess I don't have to take this seriously yet. As long as we aren't in the actual Heat, we'll be fine."

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