Chapter 37

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I will avenge you.

That sentence repeated itself in my mind. What does mother have against that she-wolf? Is that the same she-wolf the one I saw in the minds of the Moonshine pack members?

The second explained earlier that the Crimson wolves had a severely low birth rate. That meant that there were barely any children in their territory. He also said that almost all of the Crimson wolves had died during the attack on their territory. Were there more survivors? Or was there only one?

If there was really only one survivor. . . then that red haired girl is. . .

My eyes widened.

Don't tell me she's-

"Now come on! Stand! Stand! You'll get your clothes wet in that snow",  I almost yelped as mother's happy voice ripped me from my thoughts. George hesitantly stood up and turned to his men. Upon seeing him rise, they all stood, waiting patiently for an order. Mother then happily began to introduce each one of us, from youngest to Eldest. After the short introduction, the Second bowed and acknowledged us as the Children of the Goddess.  

"Now then. My children and I are awfully tired. Do you by chance have any place to accommodate us?" Mother blinked up at him with feigned innocence, and he immediately turned to his men. With one nod, a dozen of his men ran off towards the human village. "Your accommodations will be ready soon, my goddess. Will you walk with me?" He stretched his hand forward and walked towards mother. 

Somewhere within Aria's little brain, warning bells rang out.

She was already behind the poor wolf, with her short silver sword, Mamoru, against his neck. Her sword was silver in colour, but seemed to reflect a hint of red light, making the sword seem reddish in colour.  "Aria! Bad girl! That's bad manners! The man just wanted my hand."

"He already has two hands mother. He doesn't need another one."

I rolled my eyes.

"Aria. . ." mother said a little sternly, causing Aria's lip to twitch. Slowly, she released him and walked back to mother's side, her head bowed. "I apologize for my daughter's behaviour. She gets a little protective of me from time to time."

A little protective?

"Shall we go?" Mother raised her hand, and George accepted it hesitantly. As they walked on, Aria sent the man a murderous glare.

I patted her shoulders sympathetically. . . and a little condescendingly.

Her glare redirected itself to me.

A few fights and a parental scolding later, we finally arrived at the large human village. The village was completely hidden away by its huge walls, which looked too high and too steep for the average werewolf to hop or climb over, and also too thick for them to even cause any considerable damage to (Although from the scratches and burn marks along the walls, it looked as though many people have tried). "Where's the door?" I finally asked after standing by the walls for almost a minute. He raised his hands to the tall walls, then smiled. "It's opening now."

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