Chapter 15

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A week later.
Elliot's POV

Everything went back to normal, well, for everyone else. For me, it was anything but.

The first few days after releasing my limiters, I couldn't move. Everything was either numb or extremely sore. Of course Marley immediately took the initiative to take care of me, feeding me, cleaning me, heck, she even put me in her room. Once I felt better, I went back to doing my chores. What else was there for me to do? Marley couldn't stop me anyways. She didn't even try.

She seemed different ever since the incident. She seemed a little more secretive, speaking to certain groups of her former pack members or whispering to Gray in the pack house. Deep down, I felt like something was happening, or going to happen, but I shrugged it off.

Even Blaez was acting odd. I never really saw him much, but when I did, He always had this strange look on his face. I also sensed hostility between him and Gray ever so often, sending strange glares and looks at each other.

Gray and Marley actually seemed together a lot more than the usual. Sometimes, the way I saw her looking at him. . .

Was weird. 


I shrugged off my thoughts. They were useless anyway.

I was currently sitting on the Omega pack house's steps, watching as everyone prepared for the long travel to Spring Haven, grabbing stocks, personal belongings, anything they can carry in wolf form. I watched as they would randomly shiver at times, as their bodies were showered by the snow from above. I caught a few flakes in my palm, the tiny intricate forms of frozen water melting upon my fingertips.

It wasn't that cold.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a few passers-by, who decided that I was the most interesting thing in that moment. I simply stared at them, truly interested as to why I was suddenly so intriguing. In an instant, they turned away, causing me to tilt my head in confusion.

 Double Huh.

"Where's your coat little one? It's freezing out here! Elliot!" My eyes quickly met Marley's as I heard my name escape her lips. Oh, she was talking to me. "Look at you Elly! your shivering!" She quickly took off her coat and draped it around my shoulders. I looked down at my hands, which was indeed trembling. I was. . . cold? "Elly?" my eyes snapped back to Marley's.

Wow, I'm really getting distracted today.

I nodded my head and waited for her to continue. "You okay? I mean really? Are you okay?" She asked and I nodded. "How do you feel?" she questioned.

I feel. . . I. . . How do I feel? I let out a strange laugh, one that definitely didn't correspond with my current emotion, or lack of emotion to be precise. Emotions were strange. I won't involve myself with those entities again. Marley seemed to be trying to overlook my weird outburst and I let her do just that while I resumed watching the pack members run around frantically. The snowfall had gotten heavier, coating everything in a shade of white. Blaez made his presence known, Barking orders to his men and yelling to the pack members that had begun to slow down in the pouring snow. In those moments, he actually sort of looked like an Alpha.

Triple huh.

"Elly", her voice came out like a statement. Looking at her once again, I saw all the raw emotion that hid behind her once bright hazel eyes. Her round face looked tired from fatigue and stress, maybe even worry. Her long blonde hair looked duller than usual, adding to her depressed look, making even me uncomfortable. Never have I ever seen her like this. It actually scared me a bit. I internally sighed. She's worried about me. I placed my shaking hands on her shoulders and gave her a small smile. Hopefully that would work.

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