Chapter 33

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Main Pronunciation:   Mahr-lee

Meanings:   "Pleasant seaside meadow", "Pleasant wood", "boundary wood"or "Marten wood."

Marley's POV 


"Stand up straight young man! maintain your balance! Be one with your wolf!" 

Elder Thorn's voice boomed across the clearing for the thousandth time that day, followed by my Mate's exhausted growls. I winced immediately as a loud yelp escaped Daniel's lip's, then turned to Elder Abigail with a worried expression. "Don't you think that's enough? They've been sparring since morning", I whispered to her, and she simply shook her head. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure they're fine. Daniel's in good hands, I promise. Thorn may seem rough and untamed, but trust me, he knows how far to push someone. By the way, you should be paying more attention to me instead!" she suddenly winked at me before launching her hand forward in an effort to grab the pistol I was currently holding. I quickly spun around to dodge her, but her hand suddenly wrapped around my neck, effectively pinning me against her. 

It was month number three of our training, and our overseers, or 'Elders', were still going through the basics of battle and defense with us. Training with Elder Abigail was quite easy, but I couldn't say the say the same for my Mate. Everyone else were training in their own way as well. Our small group of pack members were given specific roles, and were also being trained on how to do them. No one simply lazed around in a pack. Everyone had a role to play in order to make the pack run at its finest. After training, we were going to put the finishing touches on the final pack house, then we would begin to assign warriors that would begin our first patrols.

It wasn't like this at first.

At first, I was a simple girl who found herself staring face to face with a blue eyed Potential Alpha that came to visit the pack I was temporarily staying at. After that, we packed up our things and headed to Spring Haven to beg for territory.

Reason? Because there were simply no territory left to call our own. In this new age, most upcoming Alphas usually took over their parents pack, or attacked another pack and make it their own. Only a rare few would leave their family pack and go to the Alpha King to request for their own territory.

And Daniel was part of that select few.

Spring Haven had the largest territory on the continent (and also the most generous), spreading out for hundreds and hundreds of miles. They covered half of the Cool Zones of Northern region and a third of them in the Eastern regions. The rest were either inhabitable lands or territory already claimed by either rogue groups or other packs.

The select few, which were us, would go the Alpha king, request for land, and wait for his approval. Thankfully we got ours, and all of the other procedures began there. The main procedures were us receiving Elders, who would train and oversee our activities as Alpha and Luna. If we simply weren't good at being Leaders, the the deal would be off, and we would lose the territory. But, if we passed, then we would receive the land, material for housing, and finally, the pack members; people that had either come from Spring Haven itself, people from other packs, or people without a pack.  

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