Chapter 7

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Yo, it's JoshH1600
How's the story so far? I hope you guys like reading it as much I like writing it. Anyways, I'll like to thank everyone for voting far, and I hope you continue to do so. 

And share this story with the world!

(well you know what I mean)



"Oh sh*t, It's the old lady! Let's make a run for it!" Zack said sarcastically, nudging Zex in his stomach.

I watched as the figure made its way from the main pack house door, stopping in front of us. "Sigh, just when things were getting good", Blaez mumbled before getting up and raising his hands in a pretend surrender. "Sup, Marley."

"Don't 'sup' me Blaez", Marley growled, placing her hands on her hips. "And who are you calling old Zack?" she quickly turned to him waving the long kitchen knife she always carried around. He also raised his hands in a pretend surrender, taking a few steps away from her. "Yeah I guess I'm about sixty. . . something, but I don't look a day over twenty five", she said truthfully, yet losing focus from the situation, as always.

A wolf's aging process slows down when we become an adult, almost to the point where we practically don't age at all.

When she finally turned to me, her features softened. "Elly", she said and I slowly tried to get up, whimpering as the pain sent me back down. I was shaking so much that I my limbs were barely move like they should.

Upon seeing my distress, she quickly came over to me and helped me up, dusting the loose snow from off of my clothes and re-buttoning my coat. When she finished, she quickly turned to Blaez, her anger clearly resurfaced. "What were you trying to do with my little girl, Alpha ?" she sneered. In an instant, he pulled me to him, placing his cold hand around my shoulder.

"Well Omega, I was just having a chat with L about her little 'crush' ", he sneered right back. She growled at him and he smirked, moving me further away from her.

"I'm still a Luna Blaez. And what are you talking abo-"

"You know, the monster she's trying to nurse back to health", he said, pointing at the hill. "The one that wiped the floor with Gray", Zex interjected, causing Zack to burst out in laughter. Gray growled from a distance, causing Zack to laugh even more. When he calmed down, Zex continued. "But man, that guy is stronger than he looks. I mean, he slammed Gray into a tree with no effort at all. Imagine what he can do at his full strength", he growled.

When Blaez finally loosened his grip on me, Marley snatched me and quickly pulled me into her arms. "Which makes wonder why you two wanted to help that monster in the first place." Blaez responded, not really caring about the fact that I just left his arms.

"Just thought it was the right thing to do. Nothing else to it. Elliot wanted to help me so that's why we both asked you to keep him here temporarily", she lied.

He gave us a slow nod but I knew he wasn't finished. "Sounds legit. But. . . why don't I believe you? Better yet, what's your connection between you and that cursed wolf? those. . . Things are dangerous you know", He said, leaning dangerously close to Marley, who didn't even budge. Instead she stepped up to him, looking deeply into his eyes. "Why do you want to know about the cursed wolf so badly? are you afraid of him or something?" she asked.

"Should I be?"

"Yes you should."

"And why is that? Oh, don't tell me you're going to try to use that monster as a weapo-"

In an instant, before anyone could even have the chance to react, Marley's knife was against Blaez neck. "I can take you down all by myself, I don't need anyone's help", she spat. "Is that so?" Blaez replied, completely unfazed.

"Zex?" Blaez smirked.

With insane speed, Zex came up behind her and rested his elongated claw against her neck. While Blaez and Marley exchanged glares, I just stood there, unable to do anything. All the tension in the air was beginning to bring back up memories that I desperately wanted to suppress. I hugged myself tightly, wishing that this would end.

Wishing that everything would end.

"Do you really want to do this here Alpha Blaez ?" Marley questioned, snapping me back to reality. I looked around and realized that some of the pack members were now outside, staring at us. Blaez must of seen them too because he signaled Zex, causing him to remove his claw from Marley's neck.

But Marley didn't move her knife.

"I'm tired of you taking advantage of her Blaez. I may no longer have a title or my pack but I still have the strength of my people. Many of them still see me as their Luna and will gladly fight to the death with me. So you touch my little girl again and I won't hesitate to turn this place into a bloody warzone, capisce?!" Marley snarled loudly, which suddenly made Blaez laugh.

His eyes immediately darkened, until it was completely black. I quickly hid behind Marley as I felt his wolf surface, causing his face to turn distorted and animal like.

His fangs shot out and his mouth grew wider, splitting at the ends. His muscles grew bigger and bigger until they were stretching against his skin.

This was his true form, a horrifying monster that laid under his seemingly charming appearance. 

"There it is, There it is! That fire in your eyes! It's been so long since I've seen it, Marley." He spat. "You know, I think that look is what made me kill your mate instead of you,"   said both man and wolf in unison, causing me to whimper.

Marley dropped the knife and took a shaky step back, to which he took three steps forward, his mouth stopping by her ear. "Oh? Were did it go? The fire was just here a second ago. . . You know I love it when you get physical", he said with a deep growl, his tongue flicking against her ear. She began to shake as the presence of Blaez's wolf forced her to submit.

Upon seeing this, he simply stratched the back of his head and let out a loud sigh, irritated by her sudden meekness. "Well whatever", Blaez's wolf said, slowly giving back Blaez control of his body.

When his features reverted back to its previous state, he nuzzled his face in her hair, causing her to shudder, her eyes widening as he began to speak. "You've been a bad girl Marley. Please don't make me remind you how powerful I really am. My wolf may have an interest in you, but me? Not so much. Which means that I won't hesitate to kill you. If you so much as try to threaten me again in any way, I will  take action", he said with a smirk. Then his eyes suddenly latched onto mines. "Either do as say like a good little omega, or lose everyone you care about. It's your choice", he growled, causing me to tremble uncontrollably. He wasn't talking to Marley.

He was talking to me.

I felt the weight of his words pull at my sanity and I tried to swallow the bile that was quickly rising from my stomach rise as the memories of that day came back to me, slowly pulling me from reality.

My choice.

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