Chapter 32

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First of all.

I know that most books talk about people being cold, and heartless, and without a soul, but most times, this heartlessness isn't as portrayed as I thought they should be. So I created my own heartless, soul less being within this book. Iris is just one of the many cursed wolves in this story, and is not even the most brutal being in the book. But she is close however.

This is your first view of a Cursed wolf that isn't holding back what they truly are, kind of like Deimos or Thaddeus, so I hope that the events of this chapter doesn't surprise you.

Just wanted to say that.

Gray's POV (Minutes before incident)

"WHAT?! DO YOU THINK I ENJOYED SEEING THAT EVERYDAY? DO YOU THINK I ENJOYED WATCHING MY MATE'S MURDERER AT EVERY WAKING MOMENT AND NOT BEING ABLE TO DO ANYTHING? BLAEZ KILLED MY MATE! HE KILLED HER!! DO YOU THINK I LIKED THAT?!"  I yelled, totally enraged. why would she say that to me, of all people?! She knew how much I hated seeing Blaez do all those things to Elliot. She knew how much I hated the bastard. Why would she say such a thing to me?

The beast within began showing me images of women angry, shouting and then apologising and I quickly translated what he meant.

She just blurted it out in anger. I'm sure she didn't mean it.

'No one just blurts that kind of stuff out! Somewhere deep down. . . she meant it', I growled mentally at my wolf, who snapped back at me before showing me a few more images. This time, he showed me a large number of letters, which all came to me jumbled and disorganized, but I quickly deciphered what he meant. 

You know you don't mean that.

But I did.


"Don't say another word", I quickly said, causing my wolf to snap at me once again. He showed me images of Marley and I talking and laughing together, but I quickly suppressed those mental images.  

"Gray I'm sorry! I didn't want to. . . I didn't mean what I said. I get got so frustrated-"

"Don't, Marley."

"I should of never said it-"

"Dammit Marley!"

"Please let me say this!"

I immediately stopped as I heard her voice crack. My anger diminished as I saw her unshed tears. I turned away, unable to look at her in such a state. It always hurt seeing her cry, or in pain.

And it hurt even more to know that it was I who did it.

"Gray, I'm really sorry about what I said. I. . . I-I got angry and I. . . I didn't know that you were. . . I'm really sorry Gray. I never meant to hurt you", her voice broke and I forced myself to look at her. Her eyes held such guilt and sadness that I felt my hands twitch with the need to hold her in my arms. But that thought soon disappeared as Elder Abigail spoke behind Marley and caused her to quickly snap her gaze towards her in anger. While the two of them spoke, I decided to speak to my wolf. 'I see you learned how to use letters', I said stoically and my wolf growled. He showed me words this time, Although some of them were horribly misspelled and placed in the wrong order. I still understood what he said and put them together in my mind.

No change. . . the subject.

'What subject?'

The she-wolf apologise you. . . Like I say. . . she would.

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