Chapter 25

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Deimos' POV

"Why do you need to speak to her wolf?" I questioned. I couldn't understand why he needed to do so. 'It's just something I need to do', he simply replied.



"Erebus, why do have to speak to Elliot's wolf? And what's the second option?"

More silence.


'I can't say just yet. I can't have. . . him overhearing.'

"Hmm. . . "

"Fine. Then I'm coming in there."

I felt his surprise immediately.

'What? Why? What are-'

"Just open Mindlink, wolf. He won't hear us in there", I snapped.

'Fine. Opening it now. I can't leave it open for too long. I don't want him getting in', he quickly responded and I grunted in response. Leaning against a tree, I closed my eyes, and waited for darkness to take over. I slowed my breathing and my heart beat slowed as well. I felt the usual weightlessness as I slowly lost consciousness, drifting off to a form of semi consciousness, asleep, yet awake. Mobile yet immobile.

Off to Mindlink.

A link between worlds.

A link between consciousnesses.

The earlier were' species didn't understand the power of this 'link', but after years of studying it I learned that it wasn't just a form of communication, or just some form of telekinesis.

It was a bridge.

A gateway of sorts, that totally connected two forms of consciousnesses. Be it wolf and man, wolf and wolf, man and man. It created a network of communication that was greater than any network man had ever created. I allowed myself to drift within my state and enter that said gateway, that link;


Once I reopened my eyes, I saw only darkness. It was a strange darkness, for I could of still seen my form pretty clearly, as if it was but day. I slowly looked around at my surroundings. The only thing that could be seen was myself, and two great spheres of light. One stood a good distance behind me, and the other stood far to the front. Although they were massive, and their light blinding, they somehow did absolutely nothing to illuminate this black landscape. The one behind me represented the gateway to reality, to full consciousness. The other was a gateway as well, but its use was for the opposite. Many never knew this, but as a werewolf, their consciousness always passed through this place. Whenever our wolves' took over, this exchange happened. We would travel from consciousness to unconscious, and our wolves' would move from unconsciousness to consciousness.

But if they truly communicated, via link, they could be brought to this place.

A place of semi-consciousness.

"Sounds confusing."

I slowly turned, but then had to look up at the massive form of my wolf. His silver eyes was as bright as the spheres of light, but his body was as black as the darkness itself. His fur seemed to be almost alive as they moved of their accord, defying reality itself.



"Start talking."

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