Chapter 53

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Akmal's POV

A Vulcan greeted us at the base of the cliff. Since our group of Vulcans were now asleep, I immediately assumed that it was a Vulcan that was under the Queen's control.

And I was right.

"GreeTings, My cReatiOns."

We all bowed, knowing that it was actually mother speaking through the Vulcan. 

"Greetings, my queen", we all spoke at once, and it nodded at each of us. "ThanK yOu foR ansWering mY cAll, anD releasiNg the rEst of My armY", the Vulcan turned around, and pointed in the direction that it came from. 

"ComE noW. ThiS Vulcan wILL leaD You pArt of the Way. . . And my Child Will Lead you through the rest oF the Path."

The Vulcan leaped into the forest, and we quickly followed behind it, matching its speed instantly. I looked beside me, and noticed that everyone had grouped around me, especially Lala, who seemed to be trying her best to keep up. 

"HuNgrY. . ."  

She suddenly gripped my coat, and I slowed down to match her slowly decreasing rate of speed. "HunGry. . . SLeepY. . ." She said the words between breaths, and I gave her head a quick pat, before looking ahead. "We're almost there. Don't shut down yet." 

"AkMAl. . ."

". . . That is an order."

She lowered her head, then somehow mustered the strength to continue running. 

Lala was not created to be a Vulcan Lord, so her stamina and energy conservation was still lower than I wanted it to be. I was still working on a way to improve this, but it seemed that I had reached her body's limit. 

We rushed out of the forested area, and entered a large clearing. The Vulcan suddenly stopped, and we all stopped a few feet ahead of it. "As prOmised, mY chilD wIll leAd yOu tHe rEst oF tHe wAy. . . This VulCan haS ReacheD itS enD."

A sober feeling embraced us all as we stared at the Vulcan. 'This Vulcan has reached its end' meant that the Vulcan was going to die soon. Vulcans strangely don't age past peak maturity. We simply stop aging, then die after several centuries. "That's why you brought it out here to lead us."

"PrEcisEly. It HAs Reached iTs ExpirY dAte, so I gave It itS Final JoB. . . anD it eXecuted iT wEll."

I lowered my gaze, and found myself staring at Lala, who now stared at the Vulcan blankly.

"MY chiLd AwaiTs. Go."

The Vulcan pointed in a specific direction, and all of the Vulcan Lords turned around. I was about to follow the group as well, until I realized that Lala hadn't moved from the spot. Her eyes stayed on the dying Vulcan, watching the creature quietly. "Lala", I called out to her, but she didn't respond. Instead of calling her again, I watched the dying Vulcan, who now stood there quietly, unmoving. Mother most likely instructed it to stay still, and simply wait for its end to come.

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