Chapter 18

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Gray's POV

"Is everything in place?" I asked Kyle. He didn't stand next to me, nor did he look it me. We did this because we still didn't know who could be fully trusted anymore, so we couldn't risk being seen together. I didn't need Blaez to know that he was in on it too. "Yes, I already spoke to the men."

"And the others?"

"The others especially. . . Are you sure we shouldn't tell Marley about the rest of the plan? Her knowledge of all of it may make the plan go about more smoothly," Kyle pleaded yet again on behalf of Marley. "I understand where your coming from Kyle, but believe me. . . telling her will make this plan fail altogether", I sighed, rubbing my face. I had hated lying to Marley, but it was for her own good. She knew about my plot for years, but she didn't know everything about it. She always thought that I spoke with only the members of Blaez's men, who converted themselves to our side. But in reality, It was mostly her pack members that I spoke to.

Ever since Blaez killed Marley's her mate, their Alpha (which automatically made Blaez an Alpha), they had come to me secretly, somehow finding out about my plans and pleaded with me to participate. It took a while of convincing before I finally caved.

"And what about the other plan?" Kyle's voice prodded me out of my thoughts. "What about it?"

"You're not going to tell her about that plan either?" he asked. I chuckled and sat down on the steps to the main pack house, watching as the once blazing bon fire had now dwindled down to nothing more than a few sparks. Kyle eyed the fire from were he stood- the far end of the pack house. It was a miracle that we could of heard each other.  Good thing we had wolf hearing I guess. "It's a little too late for that now, don't you think? And also, if she knew about that one, then the plan definitively  won't work."

Our main plan was to kill Blaez of cause, but the other plan was put in place for Marley and her pack members- Marley especially. Once the fighting started, A chosen* group of people will gather the pack members and lead them away from the pack house to a hidden warehouse I found not too many years ago. Provisions were already placed in there and it would have been their hiding place just in case things didn't go according to plan. I knew that if she knew that her pack members were involved, and that more people were going to sacrifice themselves for her sake, she would of forced me to call it off. I couldn't let that happen. 

"I thought you might of said something like that," he said with a grunt. I watched ahead of me as people slowly made their way out of the pack houses. The patrols came back from their laps around the territory, their shifts quickly being handed over to a another patrol group, who quickly dashed into the woods. Two of the wolves stopped mid-run, turned to me, and with a small nod, disappeared into the woods. "The patrols have changed", I stood up and this time I looked towards Kyle. "Are those the guys?" he asked, rubbing his hands together. "Yeah. They know a route that'll take everyone through the scented woods. That'll smother everyone's scent. . . Not even Blaez's best tracker will be able to smell you all through there", I answered. "O-oh", he replied, and deeply exhaled. I watched my friend and a small smile made its way to my cheeks.

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