shake wt ur mama gave u

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It was their second encounter and much like the first utterly down to chance. It happened when all great things occur... Over brunch.

Noah and Ella both believed it was what you know in life that matters but on this occasion it was down to who you know.

Noah and Ella also both believed that things in life had a plan... an organisation if you will... But this was all down to being in the right place at the right time.

Ella and Kate ("call me Katherine and you'll get punched in the face, okay?") had been furiously texting over which café they would grace their presence in for the best part of the morning.

Kate's choice of cafe was based solely on the (admittedly) hot waiter. Usually Ella would have agreed. However, today she felt that if she did not get coffee and get good coffee now that she would not be accountable for her actions and unfortunately latte boy was woefully inept with a filter.

Ella won. Kate knew in her heart that she would always give in to Ella but the pretence was fun all the same.

So there they sat eating not quite breakfast and not quite lunch. Brunch.

Ella declared in a voice perhaps a little too loud (the coffee had kicked in so she was hardly to blame) that "I adore brunch, Kate. It's the best of both worlds." A Hannah Montana quote seemed appropriate for the situation.

A loud snort was the only response she received. But it was not Kate who had made the noise, herself being far too busy practically inhaling the food to reply.

Ella inclined her head to see who had dared snigger at her proclamation.

Her eyes met with a face that she recognised but couldn't quite place. She raised an eyebrow and he smiled tentatively back.

"Kate... Kate... Kate!! Kate!!" Ella half chanted half whispered nudging her.

"Ugh. Seriously, I heard you the first time. Can't a girl eat in peace."

"I'm having a crisis and all you can think about are your eggs Benedict."

"It's not even 11:30am, it's an ungodly hour for a crisis"

"Kate shhhhh. Now tell me who is that boy that's just come in? Don't stare! You're being so obvious. Wait, he's by the counter. That one."

"There's two guys. Is he standing by the bread section or buying sun kissed tomatoes?"

After a furtive look it was confirmed he was holding the sun kissed tomatoes. Kate murmured that with an arse like that he was someone she'd like to be kissing. Ella kicked her under the table.

"You can't deny it's a great arse."

"Shhhhhh!" (it really was a great arse though)

"Well I can't exactly identify him from the back of his head. Why, who do you think he is?"

"I feel like I should know but I can't remember. In that awkward maybe we've slept together way. Do you recognise him? Have I? Kate why are you laughing? We are in the middle of a crisis here."

"I didn't think the idea of sleeping with me was such a disaster" a half laughing gentle voice came over Ella's shoulder. "Remember me from the other night? And hi Katherine, god I haven't seen you in ages."

Ella made a fearful turn to the unidentified boy and let out a sigh of relief as she realised just who he was. "Oh" was about as eloquent as it was going to get right now.

"It's Kate you imbecile. And how could I not miss my favourite god brother. Noah come sit with us. And what is this I hear of a certain night spent with my bestfriend? Tell me everything... well not everything."

"It's nothing..."
"We haven't"
"We just talked... One night... Nope"
"Only for a short while... We've never"
"We haven't..."

Ella thought perhaps she had been a little dismissive so attempting to rectify she said "Not that I wouldn't have sex with you. Or that I would. I don't quite know what I'm saying" in a slightly flustered manner.

"I heard you checking out my arse so don't worry. I know I'm appreciated" he smiled and then paused "sorry that made me sound like an absolute prick. I don't really know what I'm saying either."

"I'll have you know that was all Kate. Quite incestuous if you ask me."

Kate chose this moment to jump in "Oops. Well you can hardly blame a girl it's far too early for me to function. It is quite a good arse though, don't you agree Ella?" she smirked.

"Shut up and eat your eggs benedict"

"You haven't denied it! See Noah, you have assets. I've known since we were young that you were destined for greatness."

Ella laughed lightly mumbling "aha assets... ass-ets...ass...assets."

Noah lit up "So Ella you're fond of puns. A girl after my own heart. Now as much as I love this conversation can we move on from my butt?"

And then they laughed.
A happy carefree sound.
They laughed.

It's 3:30 am and I can't sleep so here's another chapter :)
Hope you enjoyed and shoutout (again) to exoticfinn bc I think she'd be a brunch kind of girl

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