the first movement

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Ella is ever so slightly furious that James had gotten to move on first.

Therefore, it was only logical that she should begin to look for a new love interest.

It was funny that when you were adamantly not looking there seemed to be a new boy on every corner. However, when you were really quite in the mood to jazz up your non-existent love life the boys seem to have fled the scene.

They were Gone with the Wind.

Ella sorely hopes she wouldn't have to go through toils and a potato famine before finding new boyfriend. Scarlet O'Hara could keep her tragic story.

However, there was something about Noah that Ella began almost unconsciously gravitating towards.

They'd be a certain moment when the light would hit him just right, and with his head thrown back in laughter and twinkling eyes it was perfection. Ella thinks in those moments that she'd never seen anything quite as beautiful.

Ella liked how restless he was. A small part of him would always be moving. You'd think Noah was sitting still, but then you'd see the jiggling leg or his hand running along the fabric of the seat. There was this energy around Noah. A constant and continual hum of energy. He was alive with it, and Ella loved that.

Noah cared far too much and far too furiously for anything and anyone. Ella thinks it's wonderful to be able to feel so much and so often. He'd make a gesture, and however small this gesture would be you would know he cared. The leaving of a crumpled note as a tip. The throwing of an arm around your shoulder. The petting of a stray cat. The turning of his head to make sure that you were not too far behind.

It was these things all at once. It was not a single characteristic, but the endearing nature of all of them put together that made Ella begin again with Noah.

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