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Ella and John W. amuse themselves with seeing how many times they can accidentally on purpose bump into James with the shopping trolley.

The glares he sends their way make them fall into fits of amusement.

Ella is not so amused when James and John W. dump her unceremoniously into the cart 5 minutes later.

She jokes that she'd be far too expensive for them to purchase.

"You're priceless." James says.

"More like a dime a dozen." John W. fake coughs.

"It's nice to see that chivalry isn't dead." Ella says pointedly.


James has taken charge of the blender. Everyone has given him a wide berth considering his history with the machine. Ella remembers the mojito incident of November 2015 and so makes sure to stay well back. Let's just say there had been crushed mint and rum in places there most shouldn't be crushed mint and rum.

People had seemed to convene at James' house pre-party. Ella loved the buzz of everyone gathering together. Being an only child she loved moments that were so unlike her empty and echoing house. The hum of all of these people intertwining with each other signified a comfort to her. In friends you can find a second home. You're able to choose them and create a world around yourself that you want. Family is a different. They're given to you without request and you're told to love them. Ella has always struggled with that.

She knows a parents love to their child is supposed to be unconditional. However, hers have never loved anyone but each other. They care about her but it doesn't go beyond that. Perhaps that's why the only person she's ever truly loved is James. She wonders if she's even capable of loving anyone else but him. She doubts it.

Someone puts on Madonna and Ella is jolted from her thoughts. She squeals in excitement and grabs James away from his blending duties. She drags him near to where some of their friends are lounging on the sofas eating pizzas. Ensuring to grab a slice for "sustenance" they begin to dance together. They are so wrapped up in each other's movements they don't notice a figure enter the room.

Looking up Ella sees Noah in the doorway. He's talking to a few others but she knows him well enough to see he's slightly uneasy.

He looks up and they make eye contact. Ella can't help but think this is exactly like the first time they met. Only everything has changed between them. So this time, instead of Ella heading over to him, Noah begins to walk towards her.

A fleeting smile flies across his face before disappearing. Ella looks up at him slightly nervous as to what he's going to say.


It's simple but it carries so much weight. Ella throws herself into his arms. She holds him in a tight hug and after a few moments he hesitantly responds. When she finally lets go she turns her head away so the boys won't see the tears threatening to fall.

James and Noah's greeting is more subdued. The coldness of it and the fact that Noah didn't really return her embrace properly makes Ella realise just how much has changed. She knows he'll never be able to forgive her. She doesn't expect it from him when she hardly forgives herself. But a girl can dream.

The doorbell rings and breaks the moment. Ella hurries off to open the door.

She enters the kitchen and James presses a drink into her hand with a knowing look.

They do not see Noah for the rest of the night.

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