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Ella grabs her phone from their pile of clothes heaped upon the floor. Checking it she sees the usual stream. Well, perhaps a few too many friends have tagged her in cat videos on Facebook for it to be entirely normal. What does catch her breath is a ridiculous number of texts from Noah. Ella feels a moment of fear before opening them. She imagines that somehow he knows of what she's done before she's even had the chance to tell him.

Noah: where r u?? You owe me a dance :) haha

Noah: Ella?

Noah: hey, are you okay?

Noah: you probably just slipped out for a bit or something, but I just wanted to make sure you're alright

Noah: oh Lulu said she saw James walking you home when she was on her way here

Noah: glad you're safe with him

Noah: I know I sound like an overbearing dad, but I was just a little worried

Noah: you seemed upset earlier and I didn't want to pressure you into telling me anything then, so I'm glad you're with someone we trust now

Noah: ring me in the morning x

Ella is not sure what to feel as she scrolls through her messages. She appreciates the boy's genuine concern for her. She almost crumbles when she reads that he knew she wasn't quite herself at the party. He had cared about her and she had run straight into the waiting arms of his bestfriend. Oh, and those texts saying James was safe and trustworthy. A choice she had made would begin to ruin everything.

Ella: I'm sorry for not replying until now. All safe. Thank you so much for caring. You're wonderful, and I don't deserve you. Can you come over soon? I want to talk to you about something.

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