J or J?

462 52 78

It's the morning after the party

The house is a mess.

Ella is a mess.

How fitting.

She wakes up to a cold and empty bed. The only traces of James are the crumpled sheets that Ella now smooths before making her way downstairs.

James is seated around the kitchen island with some of their friends. They're eating from a breakfast platter that looks too perfect to have been concocted by James himself. Ella suspects the house keeper had a hand in breakfast before probably shuddering at the state of the rest of the house and going off to retire in her room.

James pulls Ella onto his lap and begins feeding her the freshly cut pineapple.

Their friends pretend to be affronted by their behaviour.
"Get a room."
"Your PDA is nauseating."
"If I hadn't already thrown up this morning I would be right now."

Ella rolls her eyes. "All we're doing is eating." she says innocently.

"Oh and James' other hand totally isn't on your arse is it?" Someone teases.

James slowly removes his hand looking sheepish.

"They're making up for lost time since they couldn't be all over each other last night." John W. teases.

"It's too early for riddles." Ella runs a hand through her hair. "What do you mean?"

"Just that when Noah was here you guys seemed to tone it down. But now that he's gone you're free to be all over each other." He says the last bit with a wide grin.

James and Ella both tense slightly before she shrugs her shoulders.

James wanting to move the conversation on says "She's my girlfriend. You'd understand if you had one."

They all laugh at the snide but humorous words from James (John W. included).

"Been there done that." John W. says accompanied by a mock shudder.

"Wait when did you have a girlfriend? I'm pretty sure you've been Kensington's Casanova since we were pre-teens." Ella asks surprised.

The others chime in with murmurs of agreement.

"God no. A girlfriend... ugh... never." John W. shudders (for real this time).

"Then what are you going on about?" James laughs.

"I meant been there done that with Ella." He says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Excuse me?" James and Ella both say at the same time.

"I'm pretty sure we've never hooked up." Ella says confusedly.

"Oh how you wound me." John W. says with an air of drama and a hand over his heart.

"You haven't been with him have you?" James asks Ella unsurely.

"No." Ella says then turning to John W. she says laughingly "Stop it you're going to start a rumour and make James extremely jealous."

"You don't remember do you?" John W. says breaking down into a fit of hysterics.

Ella frowns.

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