First Date

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Author's Note: Hey. So you are about to read the first chapter. I hope you enjoy it. If you do, leave a comment and vote. You don't have to though. Just suggesting. The other stories are also posted on Instagram. My username is the same as here. I posted a couple of chapters there already so if you want to read them then go ahead.'s the story and I hope you enjoy. 

Hiccup and Astrid were on their first date since they became a couple. Hiccup decided to take his long life crush, his best friend before they were dating to the board walk next to the beach. He didn't want to go too early because they would do everything on the agenda and go home early. So, he decided to get Astrid around 4 PM hoping she was hungry so they could get something to eat when they would arrive. 

When they got there, Astrid was hungry- just like Hiccup hoped- so he both of them something to eat. Throughout the whole time, they were holding hands, fingers laced with each other and talked about whatever came to their mind. 

After a while talking, exchanging laughs, and holding hands, the sun started to set which set a beautiful scene, especially since they were on the beach. Astrid then started to notice that Hiccup was shaking. Not because he was cold or anything, but because he was nervous about this day and this moment. He's been nervous ever since the idea came into his mind. She laughed and stopped walking, Hiccup following her action. She then stepped in front of him and grabbed both of his hands. He stared into her ocean blue eyes and she stared back into his emerald green ones. Astrid then laughed a little more. 

"What?" Hiccup asked confused about why she was laughing. 

"Stop being nervous," she replied still smiling.

As she spoke, her hands traveled up to his neck and his hands found her waist. Their gaze didn't separate and they both started leaning in until their lips met. 

Hiccup felt something weird when their lips met. Yes, he was enjoying the moment, a lot actually, but he felt a spark. This kiss felt like no other she gave him. Astrid put more love and passion into it- something she really doesn't put effort into the previous kisses. Not that he was complaining but he was just a little shocked and surprised. Pretty soon, he kissed back with the same effort. Thoughts were going around his mind about how public their kiss was and how many, many, people were looking at them. He didn't mind. All that was there was him and Astrid. No one else. 

One happy thought that was in his mind everyday was: 

Thank you 6th grade teacher for giving us that stupid project and assigning partners. 

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