Not That Bad

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Author's Note: Hi. It's me again. I haven't updated this in a while...sigh. Hope you enjoy your update. Who knows, maybe I'll update this again tomorrow.

Hiccup glanced behind him from the television screen as he heard the front door open. He smiled when he saw his girlfriend walk in with a shopping bag. She put the bag on the floor and took off her coat and hung it up on the rack.

"Hey, Milady. What did you buy?" Hiccup walks over to her and pecks her soft, rosy pink lips before grabbing the bag on the floor. He walked over to their kitchen and started placing everything from the bag onto the counter, with Astrid behind him.

"I bought hair dye." Astrid smiles.

"Why?" Hiccup is confused.

"I want to dye my hair blue." Astrid replies grabbing one of the bottles of dye.

"You want your whole head dyed?" Hiccup asks in disbelief.

"No. Only the ends of my hair. Is that a problem?" Astrid's face fell.

Astrid was really happy and excited to get her hair dyed. She felt like she needed a change, even though she absolutely loves her original golden blonde hair. She watched a bunch of tutorials on how to dye it, so she was pretty confident about getting it right. In the store, she debated on whether to dye it blue or red. Red, Hiccup's favorite color or blue, Astrid's favorite color. She finally decided on getting the blue dye, along with the other materials. On the car ride home, she was having second thoughts. What if Hiccup didn't like her dying her hair? What if he didn't like how it looked when she was done?

"No, no, of course not." Hiccup stammered. "I was just curious. When are you gonna do it?"

"I was gonna do it now. I mean, I've watched a bunch of videos and read articles on what to do. Shouldn't be hard."

"Can I do it?" Hiccup blurted out.

"Are you insane? You know nothing about hair, let alone dying it."

"Oh come, Astrid, please?"

"Hiccup, I'm not allowing you, of all people, to put a bunch of chemicals into my hair." Astrid says as she's already walking up the stairs into the bathroom.

She entered hers and Hiccup's bedroom and pulled out an old, unused shirt from one of the drawers, Hiccup right on her tail.

"I promise I won't do anything stupid." Hiccup continues to beg as Astrid changes her shirt. "You'll tell me what to do and I'll do it."

"Hiccup..." She trailed off and pulled the old shirt over her torso.

"Plus, even if I do mess up, you can always dye it back to your original color." 

"Ugh. Fine." Astrid agreed. "You're gonna have to change your shirt. But I swear Hiccup if do ruin it-"

"Yes! I won't. I promise." Hiccup jogged passed Astrid and grabbed one of his old shirts from another drawer and started changing.

Astrid laughed and went back downstairs to get the stuff. She came back up and walked into the bathroom, seeing an excited Hiccup waiting.

"You need to get these on." Astrid gave Hiccup a pair of gloves. "The dye can stain your hands."

Hiccup put them on.

"You don't need to bleach my hair since it's already a really light color." As Astrid spoke, she took her hair out of her signature braid and brushed it out. "You need to put the dye in a bowl." Hiccup did what she instructed and put the dye into a bowl that Astrid brought up with her a few minutes back.

Astrid glanced at the blue color. It was just the color she wanted, not too light but not too dark either.

"Good. Grab the little paint-brushy thingy and start mixing it in the bowl." And once again, Hiccup did as told while Astrid still brushed her waist length golden blonde hair. Hiccup was done in 5 minutes, along with Astrid. Hiccup walked up behind Astrid and started playing with her hair.

"I hadn't realized how long your hair is."

"Because I always have it up." Astrid looked at Hiccup through the mirror in front of them. "You ready?"

"Yes!" Hiccup exclaimed. He was acting like a little kid on Christmas.

"Okay, okay." Astrid chuckled. "I'm just going to separate my hair and then we'll be good."

She separated her hair into 3 parts, bottom, middle, and top.

"Okay. You can start dyeing. But make sure the dye doesn't touch your skin or my scalp."

"Yay!" Hiccup almost yelled. Astrid chuckled at his child-ness and watched him work his 'magic' through the mirror.

He wasn't doing a bad job actually. Hiccup made sure that the dye was only towards the end of her hair and he didn't get it anywhere else, thank Thor.

It took about an hour to get it all done. Astrid washed the ends of her hair to get off all of the excess dye. It turned out pretty good.

"How'd I do?" Hiccup asks as he and Astrid are cleaning the bathroom up. Astrid was washing her hands at the sink and looked up at her hair in the mirror.

"Not that bad, actually. I really like it. It looks good." Hiccup comes up behind her and puts his thin, but strong, arms around Astrid's waist. He plants a kiss on her neck and slowly goes down to her shoulder blade.


"What? Can't I kiss my girlfriend?" Astrid turns around and meets Hiccup's lips.

They kiss for about 2 minutes, before Astrid pulls away. "Hiccup we have a mess to clean." She says breathless.

"The mess can wait."

Hiccup kisses Astrid again and she doesn't hesitate to kiss back. Her wet hands find the back of his neck. Hiccup's tongue runs across Astrid's lip, asking for an entrance. She happily allows him and the simple kissing turns to a full make-out session.

"Jump." Hiccup whispers. Astrid jumps and wraps her legs around Hiccup's waist, with him supporting her by holding her thighs.

A few moments later, Hiccup walks out of the bathroom, still holding Astrid with their make-out session still strong. He walks into their bedroom and closes the door behind him with his foot. He walks forward and gently places Astrid on the bed and hovers over her. Their lips never leave each others.

Let's just say, that night, the mess was long forgotten...

Author's Note: Guyyyssssss. That's the first time I've ever written something like that. I hope it wasn't bad XD. Tell me what you think.

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