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Author's Note: Hello! So yes, this is a really late update and I'm sorry. I have writer's block and writing is becoming a hard task. But I promise that part two of 'Pairs' will be posted soon, which is what some of you want. Anyways, hope you enjoy. 

"I am so sorry, Hiccup." I sob into his shoulder.

"There's nothing to be sorry about Astrid." He says holding me tighter in his arms. "It's for the best and we both know that." Tears of his own fall down his face.

He's right. It is better. To forget everything we have and get our memories of each other erased. We both hold each other impossibly closer and continue crying in each other's arms.

The sound of a car beeping makes us separate. I glance out the window to see our parents waiting in their cars. I sigh shakily and reluctantly let go of Hiccup. He looks down at me and smiles sadly.

"Hey," he whispers. "Don't cry, beautiful."

His words make more tears fall down my face and I close my eyes. Hiccup grabs my hand and we make our way outside towards the cars.

We both go into the backseat of Hiccup's dad's car. My mom in her separate car so Hiccup and I will not know each other after the procedure. On the way to the doctor, Hiccup never lets go of me. I close my eyes and replay all the amazing memories and moments we shared since we were kids.

Our first play date, our first fight. Our first argument, our first make up. Our first kiss and first date. These moments flooded and memory and I wanted it all to go away.

Thirty minutes later we made it to the hospital. Tears still made the way down our tear stained faces. My heart raced in my chest as we waited to be called in. Hiccup gripped my hand tight, afraid of letting me go. A doctor opens the door.

"Astrid Hofferson," He calls out.

I close my eyes in sadness. Hiccup's head snapped up. I got up from my seat and began walking towards him with my mother. I was about to walk through the door until something grabbed my hand.

"Astrid," cried Hiccup. "We don't need to do this."


"I can't let you go. Not yet."

I smiled at him through my tears. I hugged him, tighter than any hug. I pulled away and kissed him in a passionate embrace.

"I love you." I sobbed. I made my way through the door, leaving my best friend behind. Leaving everything behind.

I was lead into a room with my mom and sat down in the chair.

"Okay Astrid." The doctor smiled. "This is a quick and easy procedure."

He got his supplies ready as I was trying to calm myself down. My mom held my hand and squeezed it to reassure me it'll all be okay, even though it's not.

"Ready?" The doctor asked.

I nodded and closed my eyes. Memories of Hiccup and I's past being the last thing I see before darkness took over.


I woke up to being in a room sitting down on a chair. My head felt dizzy and I was a little nauseous. I look over to my side to see my mom and she notices I'm awake.

"Hey Astrid." She smiles.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"We're at the doctor's. But don't worry, we'll leave in a few minutes."


After a few minutes and my head feeling a little better, my mom and I are about to leave. She thanks the doctor and we walk out the room. We walk through the waiting room and I see a teenage boy sitting down crying and looking at me. I ignore him and continue my way outside.

We get in my mom's car. She sighs and a lone tear falls down her face.

"Mom?" I ask with concern. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, dear. It's nothing to worry about." She smiles sadly to me.

Believing her, I smile back at her softly and look ahead.

She begins driving and we make our way back home. 

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