Where's Hiccup?

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Author's Note: Hello. I decided to update today instead of tomorrow because I am going snow-tubing and snow-boarding tomorrow (even though I don't want to) *sobs*.  THIS IS THE CONTINUATION OF THE CHAPTER 'Suicidal Hiccup'. READ THAT FIRST BEFORE YOU CONTINUE THIS CHAPTER. But enjoy your update.

Hiccup rolled up the left sleeve of his long sleeved deep green shirt. He lifted the knife with shaky hands and began to slice down his arm. Tears were swimming in his eyes, making his vision blurry. Being semi-blind, Hiccup accidently made a turn into his arm. He screamed from the impact.

Hiccup looked down at his arm, blood soaked everywhere. It started to trail off of his arm and onto his carpeted floor staining the fabric. He sighed with relief and smiled. His vision started to become hazy and he felt dizzy. A minute later, Hiccup passed out on his bedroom floor, with his arm gushing out blood.


Astrid was on her way to her best friends house. Hiccup had invited her over so they could hang out and do what they normally do. She was trying to text Hiccup but he wasn't answering. She got annoyed and decided to call him. No answer. Astrid kept calling and calling but Hiccup never answered. Getting more annoyed and a bit worried, she sped up her pace to get to his house quicker.

She finally got there after a few turns and long blocks. Astrid knocked on the front door and waited for an answer from one of the Haddocks, preferably Hiccup. She waited for about 2 minutes and no one answered. Astrid knocked again. "Hiccup? Are you in here?" Maybe Hiccup wasn't home and Stoick was. "Mr. Haddock?" Astrid was getting frustrated that Hiccup was ignoring her. She searched her hair for a pin that was holding up her golden locks and found one next to her ear. She kneeled down on the hard concrete ground and started picking the lock. People who were just driving by, minding their own business would've thought that she was trying to bust into the house, because that's what it looked like. But then again, they weren't wrong.

Astrid finally got to open the door and walked inside, closing the heavy door behind her. She looked around and saw no traces of a person being here, at least in a couple of days. "Hiccup?" She called out into the silence. "Hiccup, its Astrid." No one answered. It was so silent you could here a pin drop. She decided to walk through the house and hopefully find something, anything of where he could've gone. She finally entered the dinning room and looked around. Her eye caught something on the wooden table. It was a letter. With high hopes of finally finding out where her best friend could've gone, Astrid picked up the letter and read it.  

As she read on, her facial features changed, and so did her thoughts. At first, she was curious as to what Hiccup was talking about. She read the ending. Her eyes widen and her heart was pounding. "Hiccup?!" she screamed and ran upstairs to his room.

She jiggled the door knob but it was locked. Astrid knocked on the door repeatedly and kept trying to open the door. "Hiccup! Please open the door, it's Astrid. Hiccup please open the door!" All she got back was silence. After countless times of trying to open the door, she decided to use her body and try to break down the door. Astrid ran her small body into the door about 4 times. The 5th time she succeeded and the door flew open.

What she saw before her made her scared beyond belief.

Hiccup was on the ground with a knife is his right hand. His left arm had a deep cut in it and blood was everywhere. Astrid gasped and ran towards Hiccup's lifeless body. "Hiccup?" She asked, shaking his small form. Hiccup lightly stirred and opened his eyes half way.

"A-Astrid?" He croaked out. Astrid smiled a weak smile and forced out a nervous laugh. Without noticing, Astrid began sobbing, in fear, shock, but mostly happiness.

"It's gonna be okay Hiccup." She smiled weakly. "You're gonna be okay."

The last thing Hiccup saw before completely blacking out was Astrid give a smile.

Hiccup is alive...

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