Famous? Part 2

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Author's Note: Hello. This is your Friday update. Hope you enjoy.

The next day after the gang met Mandy, she wouldn't leave them alone. She decided, since she was a fan of them, that she could be their assistant and help them with everything.

They didn't mind it at first, thinking it was cute for a 14 year old to act this way, but as time went on it got annoying.

At the moment, Mandy was with Hiccup, walking him to his next class.

Hiccup glanced over his shoulder to see Mandy staring at him.

"Why are you staring at me?" He questioned.

"Because you're so beautiful." Mandy sighed dreamily.

Hiccup chuckled awkwardly. "Thanks Mandy."

Hiccup looked up and noticed Astrid walking towards him talking to Tuffnut.

"Astrid!" Hiccup called out to her and got her attention.

He saw her mouth something to Tuffnut and he left her, probably to go to his next class. As she neared Hiccup, Mandy gripped his right arm and wouldn't let go.

"Hey Milady." Hiccup smiled as she approached.

"Hey babe." Astrid noticed Mandy on his arm. "What's with the girl on your arm?"

"She won't let go of me."

Astrid turned to Mandy, who kept her gaze on Hiccup. "Mandy, I think it's time to let go now."

"I don't think it's time to let go now." Mandy argues.

"Well, sorry to disappoint but me and Hiccup have a class to attend." Astrid grabbed his left arm and tugged on him making him jerk towards her and Mandy's grip loosened.

"But I want him." Mandy pulled Hiccup back towards her.

"He's not yours."

A tug-of-war game started out between the two girls, tugging Hiccup back and forth while they argued.

A minute or two later, Gobber- Hiccup's mentor and the other student's teacher- entered the hallway and saw the commotion.

"What's going on here?" He asked as he walked up to the group.

"Gobber! What a lovely surprise." Hiccup got out of the girls' grip and stood next to him.

The boys looked at the girls who were now arguing about Hiccup. Hiccup was fearful that Astrid was going to get physical.

"Help me." Hiccup whispered towards Gobber.

"Ladies." He interrupted.

"What?!" They both exclaimed at the same time.

"Astrid, I think you should go with Hiccup. I'll deal with Mandy here."

"But- Mr. Belch it's not fair!" Mandy whined.

"Thank you Gobber." Astrid sighed and left with Hiccup.


For the rest of the day, Mandy kept bothering the gang, except for Hiccup and Astrid.

She bothered the twins by butting into their conversations, annoyed Snotlout by following him everywhere and disturbed Fishlegs by trying to impress him with facts that weren't correct.

Thankfully, Mandy didn't join them during lunch so the group had the time to themselves.

"We need to talk about crazy fangirl." Snotlout piped up.

"Yeah, she hurt Barf and Belch." Ruffnut pouted.

"When did she even see them? You don't bring them to school." Fishlegs was confused.

"We went to the dog park to cause destruction and she followed us." Tuffnut explained.

"We need to get rid of her." Everyone looked at Hiccup, who was just silently eating his lunch.

Hiccup felt eyes glaring at him so he looked up and met everyone's eyes.

"Why are you all looking at me? Why do I have to do it?"

"Because you're Hiccup." Snotlout sat back in his chair.

"Hiccup just do it. She's getting out of hand." Fishlegs persuaded. "We'll be with you but you're gonna do the talking."

"Fine." Hiccup continued to eat his food while the gang high fived each other in victory.


After school, the gang was at the park with Mandy. She was thrilled to be seen in public with her heroes.

"So, what did you need to talk to be about?" Mandy asked. "By the way, Ruffnut, you look beautiful today."

Ruffnut groaned and looked away while her brother snickered and elbowed her side.

"Mandy, this might be hard for you but we all have come to a decision that..." Hiccup took a deep breath. "We can't continue to be friends with you." Hiccup continued slowly.

"What? Why?" Mandy's smile left her face.

"Well, we just felt like you're too clingy and obsessive over us. We just need our space." Hiccup explained. "Yes, we adore you and all but we feel it's better if we leave you."

"Oh." Mandy lowered her head. "I understand."

"Mandy, we're sorry. We really are." Hiccup began to feel bad for the 14 year old.

"I understand, I really do. It's okay." She gave a smile.

"Group hug?" Hiccup held out his arms.

Mandy's smile brightened and gave Hiccup a hug while the rest of the group joined it.

After the hug, the group departed and watched as Mandy left the park.

"What now?" Astrid asked.

Tuffnut smiled mischievously.

"You're it!" He exclaimed while tapping Astrid on the shoulder and began to run away, as did the others except Hiccup.

"You're it!" Astrid quickly tapped Hiccup and began to run away also.

"Bad idea Milady." Hiccup smiled and ran after his friends.

For the rest of the afternoon, the group of friends (who are considered heroes), enjoyed a playful game of tag.

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