Not Planning On It

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Author's Note: this chapter is kind of Rated M for Mature. It has a bit of a problem that some people may not be comfortable reading. I won't go too much into detail with it. But you have been warned. 



The two shouted. Hiccup was walking up the 8 or so stairs to the front of his 2 story house when he heard his name being called by his best friend. She ran into his arm and gave him a hug bigger than normal. 

"Astrid what's wrong?" Hiccup asked confused. She's not usually this clingy. He didn't mind but it was just a little strange. 

"I never expected anything like that. Especially from him." She replied, tears falling. 

*A couple minutes earlier:*

Astrid was on her way to Hiccup's house when he had asked her to get something from the grocery store. She then walked there from her house to the store and then to his house. The store was about 2-3 blocks away from both of their houses. 

On her way back, she bumped into Snotlout, Hiccup's annoying jerk of a cousin. He always flirted with her. But only liked Astrid because of her looks, not who she really is. 

"Hey babe." he smiled. Astrid wasn't in the mood for him. She just wanted to get to Hiccup's. 

"What do you want?" she sighed. After she spoke, he grabbed her by the waist and pushed her into a small opening between two apartment buildings. He was still holding on to her and tried to kiss her. Astrid was trying her hardest to get away but his grip on her was too strong. He placed a kiss on the corner of her mouth. When he finished, she slapped him hard across the face. 

After this action, he quickly threw her on the ground and pinned her on the floor. Astrid tried to fight with all her strength. But she couldn't get away. Snotlout forcefully ripped Astrid's shirt off of her. "You shouldn't fight back." he said. He then went down there and did stuff. Astrid was crying and pleading him to stop. 

About half hour later, he was finished and slapped her a couple of times. He slapped her so hard her lip split and started bleeding. He walked away after without a word. She immediately fixed herself and ran the rest of the way to Hiccup's house. 

Astrid was then there. Latching onto him like life depended on it. He was completely oblivious to what happened. Hiccup questioned why she was crying and her face was red. Astrid told him the whole story without letting go. 

"Hiccup, don't let go. Please." Astrid whispered. 

"Not planning on it, Milady." Hiccup kissed the top of her head. "Not planning on it." 

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