Bullied Part 2

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Author's Note: So, this chapter is for @ShadowSpirit020. I wasn't really planning on making a part two to this but he/she/they wanted one. So here you go. Hope you enjoy! 

Astrid's POV:

I couldn't stay. I had to leave.

I pushed through the crowd of students that began to form to laugh and tease a boy.

That boy was Hiccup Haddock. I've known the freckled face boy for a long time. I never really had the courage to talk to him, mostly because I have a small crush on him. Everyday I watch as he gets death threats, teased, pushed around, and bullied. It sickens me to see him go through this and it sickens me that I don't have enough courage to approach him or stop the bullies who abuse him everyday.

I turn a corner and wait there. I lean my head on the wall and sigh. No one deserves the type of treatment Hiccup receives. He's done nothing wrong to anyone. He's the type of boy to sit in the back of the class and don't talk, the type of boy who gets all A's in all of his classes. The one who stays in the shadows and is ignored by everyone, except for the bullies who enjoy to torment him. The type of boy who I wish I could be friends with.

The school bell rings and everyone departs to their individual classes. I leave my spot on the wall and walk back to where Hiccup was when he fell. All of the students there departed and were nowhere to be seen. I saw a piece of crumpled paper on the ground and I picked it up. I saw the writing, 'Go kill yourself'.

I grew furious.

Don't these boys know how much pain they cause to someone? How this person could actually kill themselves? They probably won't even feel sorrow or regret that they did something so crucial to someone else.

I went to my class but kept the paper in hand. Snotlout's going to hear from me during lunch.

*At Lunch*

I looked around the white walled cafeteria. Groups of students were laughing and enjoying their lunch with their friends. I spotted Snotlout sitting with a group of jocks from the school's football team. I angrily walked up to his table and stood right beside him.

"And then I say-" His laughter got cut off by my hand smacking the back of his head.

"Ow!" He turned to me. "What was that for?"

"What's this about?" I show him the paper.

"Oh, you know." He smirks. "Just telling Useless what he needs to do with himself."

"You think this is funny, Snotlout?"

"I mean, yeah. He deserves it."

"No one deserves to feel like a waste of space. You think it's funny to go and tell him to die, that he's useless, a mistake, an accident? You think it's funny that he may actually do this one day?" I snap at him. "Try putting yourself in his shoes. Feeling neglected, hated, unloved by the world. Wanting to die every second of every day to get rid of the pain people throw towards you. Try having to deal with hateful words, abuse.

Hiccup has no right to feel this pain, from any of you." I cross my arms and look at everyone at the table. "You all need to stop."

"And what if we don't?" The quarterback of the team asked.

"Then his death is on your hands." I slammed the paper on the table in front of Snotlout.

With that, I walked away from the idiots and headed to my locker.

*Next Day*

Hiccup's POV:

I woke up the next morning not wanting to go to school. I didn't want to face anyone after I embarrassed myself in front of everyone, especially Astrid.

I did my usual routine and left my house to get to the bus stop. I waited for a few minutes before the bus finally arrived and picked me up.

As I was walking up the steps, I prepared myself for the words and paper balls. But, nothing. Everyone carried out their conversations. There wasn't any hurtful words or death threats being thrown. I was confused.

What happened to everyone?

I finally reached my seat and sat down. Students weren't telling me I'm a mistake or I need to hang myself. Nothing. Something must've happened yesterday that I wasn't aware of. I pushed it all aside and stared outside the window watching the townspeople heading to work or school.

After the long ride, the bus finally reached the school. To my shock, I wasn't the last kid off this time. A few kids allowed me to go in front of them and actually talked to me without saying something verbally abusive.

I smiled a little at the thought but it quickly faded as I knew that Snotlout and the rest of the group isn't going to lay off of me. I quietly and quickly walked to my locker. As I was there, I saw Snotlout walking up to me. I prepared my body for the impact of his fist connected with my face, but it didn't happen.

"Hiccup, we need to talk." He sighed.

Hiccup? He actually called me by my real name. Not useless, fishbone, or accident.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

Snotlout isn't really the type of person who would want or have a conversation with me. I was confused on what he had to say.

"I just needed to apologize," He began. "For everything. I realized that bullying you and teasing you was wrong. You're more than what I thought you were. You aren't useless or a mistake. You actually have a meaning to the world. I'm sorry for all of the abuse I've given to you. And, I also speak on behalf of everyone else who did anything wrong to you, especially the football team and I.

I want you to know that I don't want you to die, ever. I was wondering if you would accept my apology and we could move forward?"

Wow. I didn't expect anything like that coming from someone, especially Snotlout. He actually seemed sorry for what he's done. His silver-blue eyes show regret and sorrow. But, do I actually forgive Snotlout? After years and years of abuse, does he deserve it? I'm not the type of person to hold a grudge or anything like that. I can learn to forgive, but forgetting is a harder fight. I can see that everything he just said, he meant it. I can tell that he wants to move forward in life and live in the future and not in the past.


"Thanks," He smiled genuinely. "I'll see you soon then." He walked away.

I smiled a little to myself. Did Snotlout tell everyone to stop bullying me? Is he the reason for everyone to act calm and not to be mean towards me?

I closed my locker door and gave a small sigh. I turned around to begin walking to my first class but stopped when I heard my name being called behind me. I turned to see Astrid walking towards me.

"I saw you accept Snotlout's apology." She spoke.

Is this really happening? Astrid Hofferson talking to me? This all has to be a dream and if it is, I want to wake up now.

"Uh, yeah." I stuttered a little. Great, I'm making a bigger fool out of myself than I already am.

"You're brave." She chuckled. "I hope you know that."

"Well, I know that now."

She gave a small laugh, showing her beautiful white teeth. "Hey, maybe we can hang out sometime?"

"Yeah, sure." I reply.

"Good." She smiled. "I'll see you around." Astrid turned and walked away to go to her next class.

"Bye." I said and watched as she left.

I laughed to myself as the thought of hanging out with Astrid lingered in my head. First, everyone stops bullying me, Snotlout then apologizes for everything, and then the girl of my dreams wants to hang out with me. I'm not sure what happened in the past 24 hours, but I couldn't care less.

Turns out, life does get better. Bullying doesn't always stop, and kids tend to actually kill themselves, thinking it'll solve every problem. But truth is, it doesn't. Suicide is never the answer. Other people can fight back the bullies and abusers and get through life. I realized that I'm not useless or a mistake. I actually have a purpose in life and I was meant to be here.

I learned that the hard way. 

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