One Bent Knee -Viking Time-

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Author's Note: I'm back again! Here's your Friday update. I hope your happy. A lot of Hiccstrid feels in this chapter. You can probably guess by the title. Anyways, hope you enjoy. Goodbye now.

It was a busy day on the isle of Berk. Villagers moving everywhere, the men of the island are helping to move the heavy equipment, children of the town joyfully playing. Hiccup Haddock the Third, chief of the tribe giving out orders and doing chiefly jobs.

But one thing was bugging him.

The date he promised Astrid, which was happening tonight.

For months and months, he planned everything out, every little detail of this very special night. It was the night he was going to propose to the love of his life, Astrid Hofferson. They have been dating for a few years now, and their love keeps growing stronger everyday. Hiccup thinks that it's a perfect time to finally call Astrid's his forever.

The plan was, he was going to take her to Itchy Armpit, one of her favorite islands because of the beautiful scenery. Earlier, he already had is mom prepare dinner (because he couldn't cook whatsoever) for the both of them so him and Astrid could have a picnic when they arrive. After, Hiccup would take Astrid on a Romantic Flight on Toothless. He found a hidden place on the island, which was such a beauty, he himself almost cried. That's where he's going to ask the big question.

The reason why this special night was bothering him? Hiccup being well...Hiccup, he's scared that something won't go as planned or he was going to mess something up. He wants everything to be perfect but right now, a small part of his body is telling him that nothing is going to go wrong.

He just hopes that's right.

After a semi-long day of working hard, Hiccup took the rest of the day off and had his mother, Valka, be acting chief while he was away. He rushed to his house and took a really quick, but relieving, bath and made sure he looked presentable, even though he knows Astrid wouldn't care.

While all this was happening, Astrid on the other hand was having a panic attack.

Yes, she was more than excited to finally have a date with Hiccup. But they've been dating for several years and she was nervous if he was going to propose. Obviously she would say yes, but just the thought scared her. But pushing all thoughts aside, she left the Academy early to get ready for her date with her favorite person in the whole world.

She got home and took a bath. After, she got dressed and fixed up her hair. All she had to do now was wait for Hiccup, who knocked on her door a couple minutes after she was done. She slowly walked towards the door and opened it with shaky hands.

"Hi," Hiccup greeted when he saw the beautiful face of his girlfriend.

"Hi." She answered nervously. Why is she so nervous? She's going on a date with Hiccup, her dorky, lovable, caring, and adorably handsome boyfriend.

"You ready?" Hiccup asked and pointed a thumb at Toothless, who was eagerly standing a few feet away from his owner.

"Of course." Astrid stepped out of her house and closed the door behind her and followed Hiccup to Toothless. He helped her get on his back before making his way up there. Hiccup patted Toothless' side which indicated that it was good that he can take off now and that's exactly what the Night Fury did.


They arrived to Itchy Armpit a while later, with Astrid's impatience and Hiccup's reassurance. They landed on the cliff which looks out over the rest of the island, where multicolored trees stand, because it's the middle of Autumn. It was one of Astrid's favorite spots on the island.

"Welcome to Itchy Armpit." Hiccup said.

"Hiccup, I've been here before with you several times, remember?" Astrid giggled.

"I know. But I wanted to be dramatic."

Hiccup guided her to the small picnic he created and she laughed at his cheesiness. But, her mouth watered at the sight of her favorite dish.

  After the delicious food, laughter and conversations, (where Astrid discovered that Hiccup didn't make the food) it was time for Hiccup to take Astrid for another ride on Toothless.

"Care to join me Milady?" Hiccup extended his hand out towards her.

"No, I think I'm good. I might just stay here and look at the sunset. It's very beautiful tonight." She joked.

"Well, I guarantee you that the view would be more amazing from above." Hiccup sighs. "Too bad I'll be the only one to experience it."

"Fine." Astrid smiled and she joined Hiccup on the back of Toothless.

They lifted off into the air and glided through the cold atmosphere. The sun was setting and colors of pink, orange, red, blue and purple painted the sky. The world was saying good bye to the sun as it descended behind the mountains in the Archipelago.  

Astrid let go of Hiccup's waist and reached out towards the white fluffy clouds with a bright smile on her face. It was similar to their first ever flight together, and they both enjoyed the moment and never wanted it to end.


After their Romantic Flight, Hiccup landed in the special spot that he had found. Before they reached the area, Hiccup had to beg Astrid to close her eyes, because she was hesitant about it.

"Astrid just please close your eyes."

"Why? You might push me off and then I'll be falling to my death."

"What? W-why would I ever do that?"

"It can happen, Hiccup."

"Just do what I told you."


Astrid finally closed her eyes. Hiccup helped her off of Toothless and guided her.


She opened her eyes and what she saw was breathtaking.

They were standing on a cliff that overlook the ocean to the horizon. The sun was still setting and the view was just outstanding. This was a part of the island no one had discovered yet, except for Hiccup. He knew Astrid would love something like this because he knows she has a secret love for scenery. Astrid was memorized by the beauty of the scene, she forgot about Hiccup who was behind her.

"Turn around."

Astrid diverted her gaze to look behind her. What she saw shocked her even more, Hiccup on one bent knee.

"Milady," Hiccup grabbed her hand. "From the moment I saw you, I knew that I liked you. I knew that you didn't notice me, let alone like me. But most days when I worked in the forge I daydreamed about you and Gobber had to yell at me to get me back into the real world." Astrid couldn't help but laugh. "After all that time of daydreaming, you finally noticed me. And one day I was man enough to ask you out on a date. That's where our destiny grew. We had problems and so many obstacles in our way but we stayed with each other and our love grew stronger and stronger. I am and always will put your life in front of mine and I will always make sure that there's a smile on that beautiful face of yours. I promise to make your life better, to keep you out of harm's ways, and to make sure that you're happy, even on the gloomiest of days. That promised can be sealed with only one question."

Hiccup took a ring out from his pocket. He's worked on the ring for months and months and stayed up late at nights to make sure it's perfect. "'Fearless' Astrid Hofferson," Astrid brought her hand up to her mouth and tears of joy fell down her cheeks. "Will you do the honors of being my future wife and making me the happiness man in the whole world?"

"Yes!" Astrid said. She was so shocked yet so happy.

The pair kissed and Hiccup slipped the ring on her finger.

Astrid Hofferson is marrying Hiccup Haddock, and she couldn't be happier.

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