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Author's Note: Hi again! So this is just a short one shot that I wrote really quickly. Just wanted to get at least something up. The idea for this chapter came from httydobsessed13 so I really thank you on that. Anyways hope you enjoy!

"Hiccup, sweetie! Come on or you'll be late!" Valka, a young woman with long chestnut colored brown hair and piercing emerald green eyes called up to her 4 year old son. It was another typical Monday morning, where Valka was getting ready for the busy day ahead of her, and Hiccup's first day of pre-school.

Hiccup was overjoyed to be going to school. He always wanted to make new friends but that was always a hard task. But now that he's going into an environment full of other kids his age, he was excited to try and meet new people and hopefully make friends.

"I'm coming mommy!" Hiccup called back to her. He made his way downstairs, wearing a red shirt that has a Spider-Man logo on it with dark colored khakis and black sneakers.

He walked into the kitchen where his mom was packing him lunch and a few snacks for the day. Valka noticed her son and smiled but it faded away once she saw Hiccup's hair.

"Hiccup," She groaned. "Do you not know how to brush your hair?" She hoisted him up on the kitchen counter and started running her hands through the boy's messing brown hair.

"I'm sorry mommy." Hiccup pouted. "But I'm really happy to make friends."

"I know you are honey." She smiled sweetly at him. "Let's get going." Valka grabbed a small book bag that was designed with many superheroes on it and put it on Hiccup's small shoulders. She carried him off the counter and they both made their way to the front door and outside where the eventful day begun.


"I'll see you in a few hours okay?" Valka said to Hiccup as she was kneeled down to his level. Hiccup only nodded his head and smiled at his mother. "I love you" She reached forward and gave him a small hug.

"I love you too mommy."

They both let go and Valka watched as Hiccup walked into the large classroom which was filling up with other children.

Hiccup walked in to the center of the room and looked around. It was very colorful, having decorations hanging on the walls and pictures on the windows. He looked to the front of the classroom where he saw an older lady standing.

"Okay," She began once all the kids were in the room and parents were gone. She smiled warmly at the small children. "Good morning everyone. My name is Miss Johnson and I'll be your teacher for the year."

She assigned the kids to put away their bags that were filled with belongings and such. For the morning, she had the students play with the various toys, had small activities, and had everyone to get to know each other better.

Hiccup was sad though, because he still hadn't made a friend. He said hi to a few of the other kids, but not one of them stood long enough to want to talk to him or play with him. Miss Johnson had told everyone that it was 10 minutes before lunch. Hiccup was playing with two toy trucks alone next to a corner in the room. He sighed sadly when he came to the conclusion that no one was going to talk to him, until someone walked up to him and stopped in front of the trucks.

"Do you want someone to play with?" Hiccup looked up to see a girl standing there. She was short, but probably a little taller than he was. She had ocean blue eyes and shiny blonde hair. She was wearing a light pink dress and black flats with her hair in pigtails.

"Yes please." Hiccup said to her with a little sadness in his voice. Astrid smiled at him and giggled a bit.

"I'm Astrid." She said to him and smiled.

"I'm Hiccup." He said and smiled back. She sat next to him and they began playing with the trucks together.


It was lunch time and Hiccup and Astrid were sitting together at a table about to enjoy their lunch. Hiccup was happy to see that his mom packed his favorite lunch, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with apple juice and apple slices.

Hiccup looked up at Astrid to see her with the same lunch, but with a whole orange instead of apple slices. They both laughed that they had a similar lunch and continued to eat.


Another few hours went by and it was time for the school day to end. The kids were waiting in a line outside of building, each child being picked up by a parent or guardian. Hiccup kept looking around, trying to find his mother.

He finally spotted her and ran to her with excitement.

"Hey baby!" She picked him up and hugged him once he reached her. "How was your first day?"

"It was good." He giggled. "But mommy I want you to meet someone!" Hiccup wriggled out of his mother's hold and ran back to find a certain someone.

Once he spotted Astrid, he walked up to her. Valka was close behind, making sure not to lose sight of him.

"Mommy this is my friend Astrid." Hiccup said. Valka looked down at Astrid, who looked a little nervous and scared.

"Hi Astrid" Valka kneeled down to her. "How are you?"

"I'm okay." Astrid replied. A few seconds later, Astrid's mom walked up to Astrid. She smiled when she gave her mom a big hug, like Hiccup did with his mom.

Astrid's mom looked down at Hiccup. "Hello there." She smiled.

"Hi." Hiccup smiled back and waved. Valka and Astrid's mom locked eyes.

"I'm Valka." Valka greeted. "And this is Hiccup." She gently put her hand on Hiccup's shoulder.

"Ingrid." They both shook hands. "Did you two have fun today?" Ingrid asked and both kids nodded their heads.

"That's good." Valka laughed. "But we must go now. Say goodbye Hiccup."

"Goodbye!" He waved at them. "Goodbye Astrid."

"Bye Hiccup!" She waved back.

Valka and Hiccup walked away from Astrid and Ingrid.

"What did you and Astrid do today?" Valka asked her son.

"Mommy I have so much to tell you!" Hiccup smiled.

He explained everything that happened as they made their way back home.

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