Jealous: Part 2

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Author's Note: Hi. So I hope you enjoy this chapter. I really don't know what to write for these things so let's get on to the story. 

It's been 2 weeks since Heather arrived at Berk Academy. Everyone seemed to like her. Everyone except Hofferson. The group has found her to be nice, smart, and funny. While Astrid just found her to be annoying, stupid, and a thief. She calls her a thief because she stole Hiccup away from his best friend. 

Heather has been talking to Hiccup a lot, and asking for unnecessary help. Whenever Hiccup, Astrid and Heather are in the same room, Heather starts to flirt with him and compliment him. They've been hanging out more too, even outside of school. Astrid caught them once at the park, talking and having fun. Why she got mad; Hiccup told her he was busy with helping his dad around the house. 

He lied. 

The only time they talked, was during lunch and a little between classes. It wasn't even a full conversation. In the halls, it was a "hi" or "hey". In the cafeteria, there would be the same thing, a "what are you doing later" or "goodbye". The weirdest thing, Heather has all the same classes as him. 

Astrid was losing her best friend...

It was Friday. 'Finally' Astrid thought. It was lunch and the group, including Heather, were sitting together, having a conversation. Astrid wasn't really paying much attention to what was happening. She just sat there, her left arm on the table with her head in her hand. 

"You're really cute, Hiccup" Heather giggled. That was the only thing Astrid heard, and she didn't like it. 

"Heather, if you don't shut that annoying and stupid mouth of yours, I am going to slam my fist into your face." Astrid threatened. Heather gasped and feigned hurt. 

"Okay, Astrid, that's enough." Hiccup butted in. 'Why is she acting like this' Hiccup thought. 

"You're right Hiccup. It is." Astrid stood up and left. Leaving a hurt and confused Hiccup, a hurt Heather, and an amused Ruff, Tuff, Snotlout, and Fishlegs. 

During the next class after lunch, Astrid was sent home. Heather told the principle of the school that Astrid had threatened her and they decided to just let her go. Astrid was upset but was happy that she didn't have to see Heather anymore. 

After school was over, Hiccup wanted to talk to Astrid. He needed to know what was going on with her and why she's acting so strange. So, he went to her house. 

They were in Astrid's living room. Her uncle was out shopping. Astrid sat down on the couch, criss-crossed while Hiccup was pacing back and forth in front of her. 

"What were you thinking?!" Hiccup asked. 

"Hiccup come on, she had that coming." Astrid sighed. 


Astrid didn't really have reason as to why she snapped at Heather. "I was doing the right thing! Why can't you trust me?!" 

"I don't think I can Astrid." Hiccup sighed. He left with nothing else to say. Why did Astrid do that? Heather wasn't hurting Hiccup or her friends. 

Maybe she Astrid Hofferson does not get jealous. She was just protecting her best friend. Is it wrong to wanna kill every girl who talks to him or sends a glare to said friend? Is it wrong to want him all to herself and no one else? Is it wrong to just want her and Hiccup and only them? 

Is it true that THE 'Fearless' Astrid Hofferson is.....jealous? 

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