You're Not Happy?

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Author's Note: Hey Guys! Here's your Friday update. Hope you enjoy.

"It's here!" Astrid screamed happily. "It's here! It's here!"

Astrid walked into the kitchen of the Haddock household where her boyfriend was standing eating a bag of chips.

"What are you talking about?" Hiccup asked.

"My college letter. I finally get to know if I got into New York University."

Astrid smiled as she ripped open the paper. She took the letter out and began to read it.

Astrid's smile widened and she screamed of joy.

"I got in!" She began to jump. "I got in!"

Astrid continued to read the letter and put a hand over her mouth. Her eyes began to water because she was so happy she got into the college of her dreams.

"Let me see the letter," Hiccup outstretched his arm and Astrid gave him the letter.

"I can't believe I got in." Astrid whispered to herself.

"Uh, Astrid." Hiccup tried to get her attention.

"I'm going to the college of my dreams." She continued.


"I mean, why wouldn't I? My grades are amazing and-"

"Astrid!" Hiccup finally caught her attention and she turned to face him. She had the biggest smile on her face.

"The college is all the way across the country."  Hiccup says quietly.

"I know. It's in New York."

"Astrid, that's all the way across the country." Hiccup repeated.

"Hiccup I know, what are you getting at?"

"You're leaving me." Hiccup looked down.

"What are you talking about?" Astrid asked confused.

"You're leaving me, us, our relationship to go to a school that's across the whole country." Hiccup shook his head. "I can't believe this."

"You're not happy for me?" Astrid's smile faded away and her tears weren't of happiness anymore, but of sadness.

"Astrid, you're leaving me." Hiccup looked up and saw her sorrowful face.

"Hiccup, I just got into the college that I've been wanting to go to since we were in middle school. Why can't you be happy for me?"

"I can't believe this." Hiccup sighed.

"I can't believe you won't support me." Astrid cried, tears falling down her face.

She grabbed the paper from Hiccup's grasp and left the house.

Hiccup flinched at the sound of the door slamming. He sighed again and ran a hand through his untamed auburn hair.

After a few minutes of thinking, Hiccup decided that he should go to Astrid's house later and apologize.


Hiccup rang the doorbell of the Hofferson house and waited for one of Astrid's parents to open the door.

A couple of seconds later, Astrid's mom open the door and greeted Hiccup.

"Hiccup, what a lovely surprise. Come in." Astrid's mom smiled.

Hiccup walked into the warm habitat and smiled back at her.

"What brings you here?" She kindly asked.

"I just need to see Astrid. It's kind of important."

"She came home upset and barely said a word to me or her father. She didn't even eat dinner. Is everything okay?" Ms. Hofferson questioned worriedly.

"I uh-kind of made her a little upset today. I just want to set things straight." Hiccup rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Well, she's upstairs in her room."

"Thank you." Hiccup thanked and began up the stairs.

Hiccup reached Astrid's room and noticed her door was closed.

He knocked before walking in and heard a faint "come in".

Hiccup opened the door slowly and spotted Astrid in a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. Her hair was in a ponytail and she had her thick rimmed black glasses on. She was sitting with her legs crossed on her bed and she was on her laptop. Next to her was a tub of cookies and cream ice cream that was empty.

"Hi." Hiccup spoke and closed the door behind him.

"Hey," Astrid looked up at him. "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier. I shouldn't have made it all about me. I am actually really happy for you. You've been wanting to go there since forever and your dream is coming true." Hiccup took a seat on her bed and looked at her. "I was too selfish to even see that you're so happy about this."

"It's okay Hiccup, I understand." Astrid smiled. "I actually haven't really thought of leaving anyone, especially you. I guess I made it all about myself also." She looked down.

"What are we going to do when you leave?" Hiccup sighed.

Astrid grabbed Hiccup's hand and locked their fingers together.

"I mean, we can always text and there's video chat. You can also come and visit me in New York and I'll come back here and visit." Astrid played with Hiccup's fingers.

Hiccup sighed and looked down. Astrid grabbed his chin and made him face her.

"Hey," She spoke softly. "We'll make this work. I'm never leaving you."

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" Hiccup asked.

"I should be asking you that question." Astrid chuckled.

Hiccup engulfed Astrid into a hug and put his head into the crook of her neck. Astrid wrapped her arms around his neck and placed her head on his shoulder.

"I love you, Milady." Hiccup whispered and tightened his arms around her waist.

"I love you too, Fishbone." Astrid whispered back

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