How you meet:

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It was the first day of ninth grade. Some of your friends from middle school met up with you in the gymnasium. You all talked about your summer and what you were planning to do this year. You felt so mature, I mean starting high school is a pretty big deal. Your older brother, Jack who is 22 years old and is working in 3D art said that high school are some of the best years of your life. And you were planning to make that true. Your girlfriends started talking about the boys that were in your class at lunch time. "OMG, did you see Aiden? He looks so much cuter than I remember," your friend Fiona said. Everyone else just seemed to agree but not you.You didn't need a guy to make these your best years. Your friends thought you were crazy for even thinking this. Ring!!! It was the second to last class of the day. Math. The most boring subject of all time. You almost fell asleep until you hear the teacher say your name. "Y/N" "Y/N!" You wake up and see your teacher staring at you along with the rest of the class. You look around embarrassed at what just happened. Just then you notice a boy with black hair and ocean blue eyes looking at you. You guys make eye contact and then after a few seconds you blush and look away. The class carries on but you couldn't stop thinking about that boy. You kept taking glimpses of him every once in a while. After class, while everyone is rushing out you bumped into someone and dropped your books. You knelt down to pick them up and touched someone's hand. You looked up and saw the same boy from Math class. "H-Hey" you say. "Hey, have a nice nap?" "Oh yeah actually it was peaceful until I heard Ms. Duarte yell at me." you say blushing. "Ha, my name's Leonardo but you can call me Leo." he says. " Y/N" "Nice name. See you tomorrow in Math class then." You smile as he walks away. All of a sudden you take back what you said back in the lunch period.


Tuesday after-school. Your first detention of the year and also the first day of the year. You weren't surprised and neither were any of your friends. You walk into the room and find only one boy sitting there. He had red spiky hair with electric green eyes that definitely called your attention. His feet were up on the desk and he was gnawing on a toothpick nonchalantly. "Sup" he says. You just give him a silent what up and walk towards the middle of the room about 5 desks away from him. There was an awkward silence. "So...whatcha in here for?" you ask trying to break the silence. "Nonya" he says. You scoff and just continue to be quiet. "I was just yelling at my older brother who was being real bossy and then the teacher came and gave me a detention for disrupting the hallways and yelling at a student." He says. You chuckle lightly. "And you?" he asked. "Some boy was hitting on me, and I couldn't stand it so I hit him in his special place and then the teacher came and- well you know." He started laughing. "Well sounds like he deserved it" "Yeeaah he did" "The name's Raphael by the way but I prefer Raph" he said. " Y/N" Suddenly the teacher walks in and tells us the rules. The rest of the hour was silent but your mind was buzzing with thoughts. And they were all about the spiky red haired boy with electric green eyes that was gnawing nonchalantly on a toothpick that sat in detention that very moment.


It was a hard and long day at school. You had a bunch of homework to complete and gym class was tough. The teacher made you do an obstacle course all hour long and you didn't have time to stop at the showers after class so you were sweaty all day. It was Friday so you just left all your homework and headed to the skate park with your orange penny board. When you reach the park you start skating the ramps and having lots of fun. Then you skate the railing and do a small twist and land perfectly. "Woah dudette, you got some moves." you turn around to see a boy with messy dirty blonde hair with childish blue eyes and a big grin on his face. "The name's Michaelangelo but you can call me Mikey." "My name's Y/N" you respond."Let's be best friends 'cause we're both awesome skaters and wait... Do you like pizza?" he asks. "Of course!" "Then yeah you're my new best friend" he yells with his fist in the air. You start laughing and nod. You two spend the rest of the day skating together. It was the best day of your life and surprisingly even if you just met him you felt like he really was your new best friend and something inside of you wanted to see him again.


Science was your worst subject. You needed a lot of help in it but for some reason you just couldn't get all the facts into your head. You were kind of a day-dreamer to be honest. "Ok class today you will have to work with a partner, that I assigned to you, to create this. The formula is on the board, please let's try not to make any explosions." Mr.Steven said. "Y/N you're with Donnatello" You look around to see a guy waving at you. He had light brown hair and glasses covering his hazel eyes. "Hello, my name's Donnatello but my nickname is Donnie if you wish to call me by that." He hands out his hand for you to shake it and you take it. "My name's Y/N" You blush a little as you take his hand and then let it go. As you work he starts noticing that you aren't really into it. "Are you okay Y/N?" "Yeah it's just that I don't really get anything you're saying." You felt really stupid saying this but he just smiles. "Well I'll be happy to help you with that." "Really?" "Yes" You continue working as he explains everything as if you were a toddle but it didn't bother you. You actually thought it was kind of cute.

A/N: Ok guys, what did you think???? It was my first writing piece on this website ever if you read the intro you would know and I'm sorry that the Mikey and Donnie ones are short. I love Leo, Leo is my bae and I think that's why it's so long. :P Any way cya in the next chapter.

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