When you get jealous

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Leo's brothers and you were jumping roofs. When Leo thought it was a good idea to split up and search for trouble. You took south while Leo took east. After about twenty minutes of patrolling by yourself you walked over to where Leo was. Then, you found Leo and Karai together. Karai was kissing him and Leo seemed to allow. This drove you absolutely crazy. You jumped over to the roof they were standing on. Then you took Leo pulled him off her and started to beat up her with your katanas. "Get. Away.From.My.Boyfriend." you yell. Leo picked you up from your waist and slung you over his shoulder. You hit his back, yelling, " I'm not done with her!" This isn't over!" When he landed on another roof and sat you down you slapped his face. "What was that for?!" he yelled. "What do you think it was for?" "Look Y/N, it was a mistake, she kissed me and I was to shocked to move." "I'm trusting you, you'd better not be lying to me.""I'm not, your mine and I'm yours." He kissed you passionately trying prove his point. "You were so jealous." "Just a little." He gives you a sarcastic smirk. In respond you roll your eyes and smile. 


You were always worrying about Raph in school. He was one of the coolest and hottest boys in school plus he was known as a rebel so some of the girls were even more interested in him. You feared leaving him alone in areas were boyfriend-stealing girls lurked. Which was almost everywhere in school. But one day, you really had to go to the bathroom so you took a leap of faith and left Raph alone in the cafeteria. "I'll find us a seat babe." He says taking your lunch tray and kissing your cheek. "Thanks, I'll be right back." Upon your arrival, you found Raph surrounded by a group of girls they were laughing but Raph looked a bit uncomfortable. However, whenever you were mad you would not pay attention to anything and nothing would change your mind. You walked over there and put your hand on Raph's shoulder. "Raph is my boyfriend. Now scram before you want to go bald." You said with an evil look on your face. Being the girly girls this girls were they ran away, threatening to tell teachers. Then you took your tray and started to walk away. Raph took you from your hips and put his head on your shoulder. "What's wrong princess?" "Really?" You turned around to face him. "Look, they just showed up out of nowhere! And I was saving your seat on your favorite table, it had the view of the courtyard." You hesitated to answer. It's true what he said, you did love that table and tried to run to it everyday. You decided to forgive him. "You big softy," you say. "Only for you, princess." 


It was Friday after-school. You headed to meet up with Mikey in the skate park. You were really excited because today Mikey told you he was going to teach you some new tricks. You skated over there at full-speed. When you got there, you find Mikey carrying some girl with black hair and some beautiful blue eyes bridal style. You turn away and start crying. You skate all the way home crying and not caring who saw you. When you reach your house, you check your phone. You see five missed calls from Mikey and a couple texts saying:

I'm in the skate park, waiting for my girl to show up. You know where she is?

You decide to text back:

Yeah, I know. She was in the skate park when she saw her boyfriend carrying some other girl. Then she just ran home. 

Oh, baby were you jealous. There was no reason to be, she got hurt and scraped her knee really badly, we were just taking care of her. Wouldn't you do the same? :(

I guess... sry for my over-reaction.

NP, now do you mind coming back to the park. I still got those tricks to teach you. ;)

On my way! XD


Science class. Now your favorite class because you got to spend it with Donnie. "Hello class! Today, I have a little surprise. We're switching lab partners!" Every cheered. Oh no! you thought. "Donnie you're with Elizabeth. Y/N you're with Nila. To work, scientists!" You worked with your new lab partner, now you weren't complaining. She was a very nice girl and very smart but you wanted Donnie. You kept taking small glances at Donnie and Elizabeth. Little background check:

Elizabeth: A nerdy player! Smart, and pretty. Watch out. Keep your boyfriends close.

That was all you needed to know to hate her. When you looked at them, they were laughing and Elizabeth had her hand on his shoulder sometimes on his arm. "How can a nerd, have these muscles?" you heard her say. This really ticked you off. But, you didn't want to get a detention. So you decided to beat her up, after class. Ring!  You got up and went to your next class, PE. You had this class with Elizabeth and it was the Dodge-ball unit. You and Elizabeth were reluctantly on different teams. Once the game you used your kunoichi arm and aimed a ball to her head. BAM! Once you threw it, it was to fast that it built up strength and hit her in the face. She was knocked back and had a nose bleed. You didn't feel too bad though. "You were jealous." you hear Donnatello say coming up from behind you. "No, she just deserved it for some other reason." "And that reason was..." You stay quiet. "That's what I thought." You didn't get a detention but a warning. " I love you," Donnie said while laughing. " Me too, nerd." 

A/N: Okay, thanks to shawnies_muffin I am updating every weekend and sometimes weekdays. (But rarely) I'll also like to thank 255940g for sticking with me from the beginning. A shout-out to a new comer friend of mine: Isabella_Gibbs. Thanks to all my readers and if you want to be notified of my updates, please add this story to your library and/or follow me! Thanks! XD

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