I feel so loved <3

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tmntfanfics1211  Tagged me in her book, yes! I secretly celebrated right now!! I feel so loved! XD Anyways, she also gave me some questions to answer....yeah....beware for weirdness! Don't say I didn't warn u!

Rules for the ppl I will tag:

1- You will have to post all the rules                                                                                                                                2-You will tag 13 ppl                                                                                                                                                                3-Make 13 questions for the ppl you tag                                                                                                                        4-Dont skip tags                                                                                                                                                                       

5- No TAG BACKS! x gasps x Let's play tag!!! XD o.o                                                                                                

6- If you don't complete by the end of the week you will do what I say! x devil face x                          7-Be creative! Put it in a book not in comments!

1- Do you consider yourself beautiful?

Well, doh! I love myself for who I am, flaws and all!! Sure, I'm not the prettiest face in the planet but I can live like that.

2- How would you break the ice with someone you just met?
Start a conversation with "what up?" I guess... I'm really shy at first but that's until you become my friend. When u become my friend sometimes u will wish you never had. -.- That makes me feel weird.

3- Are you a dress type of girl or pants?
Pants, I only wear dresses on special occasion like when aliens are taking over the world or when a wave swallows the whole entire world.

4- What do you wish your eye color was???
I wish my eye color was like blue or hazel. I think those colors are pwetty!!!

5- What do you think about Asians?
Um... I am half Asian so I guess they're pretty awesome. I love the Japanese for creating anime. x gets on knees and bows down and hailing Japan on the map x Asians are stereotyped as super smart and I love the technology that they have.

6- City or Nature 4 Vacation?
I'd rather stay in the country with the horses!!! Running around the field with the sunset behind me and the horses following me! This could be an amazing romance! Huh...nah nvm I hate romances they are so cheesy! Well some. No offense to all the romance lovers out there reading this.

7-If you had a secret talent that you've made fun of and hid from all your friends, would you audition for them?
Depends if I'm any good! If I am, then yeah! I'd rather show my talent to the world than keep it all hidden. Plus, I may become famous for it!!

8- What would you do if you beat your brother in COD?
I would celebrate for the rest of my life. And I would also always remind him of it, we would both be like 67 and I would be like, " Remember that time when I beat you at COD? Ha, good times, good times!"

9- Would you admit who your crush was to your friends?                                                                                   OMG! No way!!! MY friends do not know how to keep their mouth shut! They will tell the tree, their lunch and the toilet! Unless, I really know the person, I can't confide in them. 

10- Would you rather love and not be loved, or be loved and not loved?                                                      I would rather not love and be loved because I want the hugs! I want to feel the love instead of disrespect or hatred. HATE THEM HATERS! LOVE NOT WAR! I FEEL LIKE A HIPPIE! I'M NOT A HIPPIE! NO OFFENSE TO THE HIPPIES! ...HIPPIES! XD sorry I felt like I was saying hippie so much I should add it one more time. 

11-Fave animal? Why?                                                                                                                                                            I want to be a dolphin! Cause I love dolphins. Why, cause they're super intelligent and live in the ocean. Plus, they're so adorable! 

12- Long or short hair?                                                                                                                                                            LONG! With short hair I would resemble Frida Kala, or however you spell her name. XD                            

13- What would you do if you hated someone that you like instead?                                                                Life, would be so different! That's all I'm saying. o.o

Time to tag!!!!

1- harranie     2- Isabella_Gibbs     3- ilovemyselfushould2     4- Angel1630     5-allaboutthatLeo         

6- FNAFandANIME     7- Balance-The-Odds     8- forever_yours1989    9- Manseal    

10-Stormbringer23    11- Miss5sosgirl    12- 255940g     13- CanLifeStop


1- What is your favorite book/series? Why?

2- How's you love life? x wiggles eyebrows x

3- What celebrity do you think you resemble?

4- Name the top five couples that you ship.

5- If you are a fangirl, who are the top 3 guys that you fangirl most over? And what are your top 3 fandoms?

6- What do you think of school? What grade are you in?

7- Which one of my books do you like best and why? (Government and TWD will be updated) A/N: sorry guys, I saw this as a perfect chance to promote myself! ._.

8- Favorite show on TV? Why?

9- What would be your superpower, plus physical change? (Ex: For me, superpower would be water control and physical change would be that I have huge demon wings)

10- Favorite musical genre?

11- Are you a good dancer and singer? Or just a good dancer, or good singer?

12- What do you involve yourself into the most at school?

13- Are you athletic, why or why not?


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