First Kiss

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A/N: Please put in the comments if you can open the Finding Out chapter or not.


"Leo! Watch out!" you heard Donnie yell. You whip your head around to find Leo being jumped by a couple kraang at once. You ran to help him. You fought a couple off as he tried to help you but was really hurt. After you finished you saw Donnie and Leo against the wall. Donnie was giving him what looked like a check-up. You walked over. "A few broken ribs and a lot of scars all over his arms and face. Not something too severe." You were relieved at the sound of the last sentence. Raph and Donnie carried him home. When Donnie tended to his ribs, you tended to his scars. You had rubbing alcohol and bandages and a piece of wet cloth. You got close to his face and started rubbing the scars with the piece of cloth. If it wasn't for the situation you would be blushing but he was. And a lot. "Thanks," he said. "No problem." I have to do it, this is perfect .  he thought. Then he took your wrist and stopped you from rubbing his scars. He put his over hand on the back of your neck and pulled you into a kiss. Your eyes widened but then you closed them and enjoyed the kiss. It lasted about three minutes. When you pulled apart Leo was as red as Raph's mask. "One more," he said and then pulled you into another one. You were glad your first kiss was with Leo.


You were in gym class, you had no idea of Raph's whereabouts but you figured he was in another class or somewhere like that. You were climbing the rope of the obstacle course when some girl thought it was funny to shake the rope. You slipped but then fell into someone's arms. You looked and it was Steven. Steven was the quarterback on the football team and every girl had a crush on him. You had to admit he was pretty cute, but you were Raph's and nothing was gonna change that. "Thanks, but you can put me down now." "What? No,' oh! my knight in shining armour? ' No token of appreciation? No kiss?" He asked. "Nope," you started to walk away and he let you. You heard him chuckle. You walked out of the gym and saw Raph. "So, I saw everything." "Don't be mad, I fell from the rope and he was and-" You were cut off by a kiss a little rough. You put your arms around his neck. "You stayed loyal to me. I love you." he said after you pulled apart. "I love you too Raphie." He frowned a bit but just leaned it for another one.


"Okay, um Mikey! Truth or Dare?" Leo said. "Dare of course!" "Well I dare you to kiss Y/N." "What?!" You shrugged and decided to make the first move. You leaned in and he did the same. He was surprisingly really good at it. When you pulled away everybody cheered. You smiled and blushed. Then Mikey pulled your waist and kissed you again. Best game of truth or dare ever. 


"You've got to do it Donnie, I mean you don't want Y/N to get away now do you?" Donnie was talking to himself in the mirror. The next day he found you in your favorite place to hang out. The park. You were on the swings with your headphones. Suddenly you felt a strong push. You then saw Donnie behind you. "Donnie! You almost pushed me off!" He just starts laughing. He then stops the swing and kisses you. You were surprised at first but then just went with it. You pulls away to see your frowning." What happened what's wrong?" "I wasn't done." You smile and he chuckles. You lean in for another one. Your little nerd was so adorable. 

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