Merry Christmas pt. 1

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A/N: I know this is long overdue! I'm sorry but here is a Christmas chapter. I changed the point of view from narrator to you're point of view. Tell me which one you prefer guys!


I cannot remember the last Christmas Eve that could ever compare to the Christmas Eve that I experienced yesterday. It was so much fun! Of course, you prepared all of the food along with the help of your marvelous boyfriend, Leo the space captain and Master Splinter. There were a lot of items on the menu that night. For example, we had, of course, pizza! We had cheese cake, we had rice, udon, ramen, oden, yakitori and so much more! We didn't fall asleep until like four o'clock in the morning. We sang, we dance, we fought some good play fights and we joked around. Casey and April also decided to come and they also spent the night. I decided to sleep in Leo's room that night. He had his strong arms wrapped me the whole night so protectively, as if someone was going to steal me away from him while we slept. His adorable snores weren't annoying like Raphael's, who I heard the whole night as if he was in the same room. Being the little kids that I am, I decided to set an alarm for 9:30 and made a plan with Mikey. As the alarm went off, I quickly turned it off. Now, was the hard part...I had to escape from Leo's grasp. I tried to push his arm off but even if he was asleep he was extremely strong. What if I try to slither out? Ooof! Nope, that didn't work. He just grabbed my waist even harder. Dang, I knew this was going to be hard. I quickly substituted my body for a pillow and threw myself on the floor. I landed with a thud and crawled out of the room to meet up with Mikey. "Took you long enough," said Mikey when he saw me creep out of my room. "It's like trying to escape Tiger Claw, Shredder, and Razor all at the same time!" He laughed at my comment and said," It's time to commence the annoying duo of Christmas Morning waker-upers!" We high-fived and separated the rooms between us. I had to wake up Leo, Raphael and Splinter. Mikey had to wake up April, Donnie and Casey. Frankly, I think he got the easy ones. I tried Raphael first. I walked into his room quietly and started shaking him vigorously. His eyes shot wide open and grabbed my arms. "WAKE UP!" I yelled in his face. He mumbled something and chuckled. He stood up and I jumped on his back, "to Leo's room!" He ran over to Leo's room and opened the door. He faced the opposite direction of Leo's bed and dropped me directly on top of Leo. He didn't even move though. This boy can really sleep. An evil smirk appeared on my face as two small spheres of water started to rotate in my hands. I splashed them on Leo's face and he jumped up making me fall off the bed. "Run" is all he said. I stood up and saw Raphael running out of the room. I guess he started running as soon as Leo jumped off. I ran and ran but Leo caught up and grabbed me from behind. He spun me around and threw me on the couch. "Well, at least you're awake," I said. He smiled and kissed my cheek. "Who's left? I want presents," he said rather tired and with a deep morning voice that I loved so much. "Just Splinter, Mikey is already done with his half," "That's gonna be fun, we should all go," ugh, his voice! "Good idea," all of us crept over to his room but were surprised to see him sitting up in his bed looking at us. "Did you really think that you were going to be able to surprise the master ninja? Especially with all of that noise you were making outside, how was I supposed to keep on sleeping?" I ran up to him and gave him a hug. We dragged him by the hand to the living room. We all got comfortable. We drank hot chocolate and opened up presents. Raph got some new shirts that had some sayings that Splinter thought were to inappropriate, like bad words wise but I thought they were so him so I bought them. They looked pretty good. Mikey got a new skateboard since his was getting old and was going to break any time soon. Donnie got some books, Casey received three new games for his XBox One and Splinter got some tea bags since he never told anybody what he wanted. I bought Leo a muscle tank top that revealed his well toned muscles. Dang....did he look hawt. Me? I received this beautiful Pandora bracelet from Leonardo. It had a heart charm, a mermaid, a turtle and a throwing star. It was beautiful. The whole day was beautiful. We played in the snow the rest of the day. Throwing snowballs, making snowmen and fighting of course. Where would this family be without all of the fighting?

A/N:'s time to sleepy sleep. I like my sleep and have big plans for tomorrow so I'm going to end this here and try to update the rest tomorrow after. GOOD NIGHT! 





LOL, <.> bwy bwy!

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