Meeting the Family

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A/N: yah, they don't live in the sewers.


"Noooooooo! What if they don't like me?" you say and you punch Leo's back. You were fighting so much that he slung you over his shoulders. After a while you just decided to calm down. When he puts you down you face an apartment. He opens the door and you walk in. "Hey, everyone I got someone here that I want you to meet!" he yells. A boy about a year younger than you walks up to you. He had messy dirty blonde hair. "Hello!" he says. "Mikey, this is Y/N, Y/N this is my younger brother Mikey." "Why are you here with Leo?" he asks. "Mikey this is my girlfriend." Leo responds. "What?! Guys! Leo has a girlfriend, Leo has a girlfriend!" Suddenly two others walk in. One had brown hair and glasses and the other had red spiky hair and green eyes. "Raph,Donnie this is Y/N." Donnie goes up to you and puts out his hand. You shake it as he says," Leo talks a lot about you, nice to finally meet you." "So what did he pay you?" Raph asked. "What?" you say. "You're too pretty to voluntarily go out with Leo, so what's in it for you?" Leo chases Raph around the house as you crack up. Suddenly, you hear a voice," Raphael! Leonardo! What's all of this about?" What you figure is the fatherly figure walks in. "Who's this?" "My name's Y/N, sir." You bow respectfully. Leo just smiles, proud of his girl. "I like this one, Leonardo. I didn't know you had a good taste." "Thank you, sensei." You take the whole to day and dedicate it to get to know everyone in Leo's family. It was pretty good and everyone liked you. 


So, it was the big day. You were going to meet Raph's family. You have never felt so nervous about anything like this in your life. Your palms were sweaty. "Babe, hey it's gonna be okay, They're gonna love you." Raph comforts you as he puts his arm around your shoulders. When the enter his house, there's three teen boys sitting on the couch watching TV. "Hey, lazy butts, this is my girlfriend Y/N." When they hear the word girlfriend come out of Raph's mouth they quickly turn around. The brunnette with glasses introduces everyone, "Hello Y/N it's a pleasure to meet you, this is Leo, Mikey and I'm Donnie. " "Hey." Mikey waves at you with a really big smile on his face and Leo gives you a small grin. "I heard girlfriend" This voice was deeper than any of the teen's so you figured that it was Raph's dad and sensei. "Hai, sensei, this is Y/N, my girlfriend." Raph says as he bows. You figured that you had to do the same. "Hello Y/N, you may call me Splinter. I hope Raph is treating you nicely." "Yes, he is." you say still a little nervous. He walks away and leaves you and the boys together. You hang out with everyone and you slightly become less and less nervous every minute. 


You and Mikey were sitting in the cafeteria when you heard, "Hey! Mikey!" A black haired boy walks up to you and Mikey. "Hey, Leo. Look! This is Y/N, my girlfriend!" "Hey, Y/N nice to meet you." "You too, Leo." Then two other boys walk up to you. Leo introduced them and all of you sat down to have lunch together. You were just a bit quiet which was rare. But at the end of the lunch period you were back to your laughing talkative self. When the day ended you walked with Mikey and his brothers to his house. Who, your figured was the boy's dad opened the door. "Hello my sons. And who's this?" "Sensei, this is Y/N." "Oh, so this is the famous Y/N. Mikey will now stop talking about you, I'm glad to finally meet you." "T-thank you sir." The rest of the day goes by really quickly. You know what they say Time flies by, when you're having fun. 


Donnie and you were hanging out in the park. When you see three other boys running towards you and Donnie, their father not far behind. "Hey Donnie! How's your date going?" the little one says. "Mikey! This is not a date!" "So I'm guessing your Y/N?" the spiky red haired one said. "Yeah, that's me." "Ugh, Y/N these are my brothers. Leo,Raph, and Mikey. And that is my sensei and father, Splinter." "Hello." Splinter said. "Hello, sir. How do you do?" you ask, trying to be the most polite you can. "Very well, thank you. Donnie, good choice." "Thanks, dad." The other boys run away to the field to throw around a Frisbee. You and Donnie get up and join them. They were a lot of fun to hang out with and you couldn't wait to do it again. 

A/N: So i'm done for now. Again sorry Donnie's and Mikey's is pretty short I was running out of ideas and i'm in love with Leo. I hope to find votes,followers and views. I'm getting more views! And yes, I'm sure that it's not just me looking at my story to check it's progress. Anyways, cya tomorrow!

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