Hanging out with his Bros

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A/N: sorry for the Ross Lynch gif, I just love love love love love him!!!! Fangirling! x dies x


You had no school today and you did all your homework so you were bored out of your mind. So, what would be better to cure that boredom than go to your boyfriend's house and hang out with him and his brothers...


When you get there you find yourself sneaked attacked and hugged by Mikey. "Sup dudette!" he screams. "Hey Mikey" "Raph is training, Leo is in his room and Donnie is in his so called 'lab'. Can you play video games with me?" he asked. He noticed that you were thinking about it and so he could guaranteed himself a yes he gave you his puppy eyes. They were impossible to resist so you did give him the yes he was hoping for. You played 1st person shooters and many simulation and RPG's. He beat you at every single one of them. Completing missions and quests before you and killing enemies before you even engaged them in combat. When you got tired of loosing you went to the dojo. You found Raph beating up a dummy. " Poor poor thing. What'd he ever do to you?" you asked as you came in. He just chuckled and smirked. "You know. With you being a kunoichi and everything I can teach you some new skills. You really need them." You rolled your eyes at the last sentence and then nodded yes. You and Raph spent about three hours training. Punching and kicking. You sparred too. After you felt like your knees were going to kill you, you attempted to walk over to Donnie's lab. As you entered you felt a slightly refreshing temperature. Donnie had the AC on at it's maximum. It felt amazing! You decided to cool down with Donnie and handed him everything he needed. Lastly, you went to Leo in his room. He was doing all the homework that he was late on. You sat on his lap and helped him with his remaining homework.


BOOM! The first thing you heard when you entered Raph's house was a loud explosion. You rush over to the lab. You then find Donnie with black all over his face. He then took off his goggles and mumbled something unpleasant to say the least. "You need any help?" you asked. "If you would, thank you." he said, still mad at his experiment gone wrong. You stayed with Donnie giving him your opinions and answers to some equations. At some point in the experiment Donnie said," Thank you so much Y/N! You've helped me enough to show me what I was missing. Now go, I won't keep you from having some real fun." he said. He smiled showing the adorable gap in his teeth. When you exited his lab, you saw Mikey with his skateboard pouting. "Mikey? What's up?" He hugged your legs and started crying. "Leo said he couldn't go skateboarding with me!" You laughed and told him that you'd accompany him. You and Mikey walked over to the skate park. You weren't experienced that much but Mikey made sure to change that. He taught you some skills and showed off. When you went back to the house he plopped on the couch to watch Crognard: The Barbarian. You absolutely hated that show so you walked to the dojo. There you found Leo meditating. With nothing better to do, you sat next to him and attempted to clear your mind. You can tell that he sensed you because he smiled a bit. Mediating was way harder than you thought. Leo made it look so easy. A couple minutes later you went to your Raphie. He was doing push ups in his room. You decided to lay under him and every time he came down he would give you a peck on your lips. You talked about your day with him and stayed there with him in his room for hours.


When you entered the house you didn't find Mikey anywhere. Except, you found Donnie sitting on the couch watching anime. ( sorry if you don't agree, but out of the four of them I find Donnie to be the most likely to watch anime ) He was watching Ouran High School Host Club. You sit down to watch it with him. You guys laughed at every time Tamaki did something stupid to impress Haruhi and every time that Kaoru and Hikaru did something devilish. "I find Tamaki as Leo. Hikaru and Kaora as Raph, Honey-senpai as Mikey and Kyouya-kun as me. You can me Haruhi!" Donnie said. He was fan-boying over the show. You get up laughing and said," If only high school was that easy!" You went to the dojo hoping to find Mikey but then you find Leo and Raph sparring. You decided to watch them spar. It was fun. You calmed them down every time they were on the brink of fighting, arguing or killing each other. "Booyakasha!" you heard Mikey yell. You ran out and when he saw you he hugged you and twirled you around. "I brought pizza!" he said. You guys all sit in the living room and watch a movie eating all the pizza you can eat.


As you entered you saw Raphael and Spike "talking" on the kitchen table. You decided to enter and see what his reaction would be when he saw you. When he saw you he did absolutely nothing. Instead of lashing out on you for invading his privacy he smirked. You sat next to him and "talked" to Spike as well. He chewed on his leaf. He was absolutely adorable. ( LOL, they have no idea what's coming XD ) When Spike started getting tired you got up and went where Leo was. He was on the couch watching Space Heroes. Since you didn't like the show as much as he did you decided to watch it for only a couple of minutes. But then you noticed the adorable faces that he made while he was watching the show. You walked out laughing. "What?" he yelled. "Y/N! What's so funny?" "Oh, nothing." you said. He dropped the subject and went back to his show. You then found Mikey in the kitchen making a pizza singing a song.

I love a little hot sauce on my pizza.

I love a little hot sauce, yes, I do!

But hot sauce isn't hot, without sardines, son!

It just taste like a pile of sticky goo!

Some protein from my pile of worms!

Some garlic, chives and marshmallows, too!

Bu wait a second, food, if you please...

I'm missing the most important part, Cheese!!

A cheesesicle!!

I need my chessesicle!!

give me a cheesesicle!!

Come on!

( I took out the Ice Cream Kitty parts because ICK was after Spike became Slash and because I put Spike in this scenario it wouldn't make sense if ICK was in it ) You laughed at his song and decided to make the pizza with him. You didn't eat it though because it was disgusting. When you saw him eat it you thought you were going to throw up so you ran out of the kitchen. You then entered Donnie's room to find him reading some books. You layed down on his bed and fell asleep. You then felt his arms around your waist as he put his chin on your shoulders.

A/N: Yay! I'm going to update once more today and then I'll work on my creative writing. So, I'm taking a class at school called Creative Writing with my fave teacher and it's so much fun. Anyway she said if I filled up my 70 sheet notebook I can get the TMNT notebook. Working my way up to that! LOL wish me luck! Cya in the next chapter! <3

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