Finding Out

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You and Leo were walking home from school, when you were jumped. "Well,well,well. Fearless Leader with a girl! We found his weakness boys." someone says as you feel a knife against your throat. Fearless Leader? Is he talking about Leo? "Let her go, Fong." Leo says. "No way, she's to pretty to be wasted on you." Suddenly you feel Fong's lips on your neck. This really pissed Leo off so he charged. Without his katanas he used his fists and legs as his weapons. He round-housed Fong and grabbed you by the waist. If he were to stay and fight there would be a bigger possibility of defeat. As Leo does some awesome parkour and sets you down on the roof. You just stare at him surprised. Then when you find the words in you, you say: "Leo! What was that? Why did they call you Fearless Leader? And how did you know his name?" He looked down. He figured that it was time to tell you who he really was. "Y/N....At night me and my brothers become vigilantes." You gasp, deep down you thought that was awesome but you couldn't help but think what if he gets seriously hurt one day? "If you're mad I completely understand." "I'm not mad, just a bit worried. " He understood why. "'re still my girlfriend right?" "Of course, there is no way that I'm going to give up a vigilante boyfriend." He  smiles and hugs your waist. "Thank you because you are the best thing that's ever happened to me." You blush and then continue your journey home as he talks about all of his adventures and his weapons.


A/N: The boys are humans but they still deal with mutants. Because taking the mutant enemies out will kind of ruin all the fun.

Raph and you were on your roof just talking when you hear a big thump behind you and then get carried away. You didn't get a good look at your kidnapper but Raph obviously did. He got up and charged. You then noticed that he had some kind of weapon with him. "Slash! Put her down!" Raph yells. "Raphie! My old pal! Don't you miss the days when we used to talk and hang out together. Maybe without a girlfriend we can get that back." He grabbed you by the waist and put you over the edge of the building. You looked down and started wiggling trying to get out of his grip. "One step closer and I let go." he said. Raph ran to the side jumped over the side of the building grabbed you and pulled you close. When you opened your eyes you found yourself and Raph on the side walks of New York. You were on top of Raph. He tried getting up but he winced in pain. He threw you and himself off the building and landed on his back trying to break your landing. You slung Raph's arm over your shoulders and dragged him to his house. "Donnie! Raph's hurt!" You yelled as you entered. Donnie and his brothers take Raph to Donnie's lab/room and you follow. You decide to ask Donnie all of the question on your mind. "Donnie?" "Yes, Y/N?" "Who's Slash?" He hesitated to answer at first but then answered your question. "Slash, was Raph's old pet turtle. When something called mutagen fell on him he mutated into Slash. Me and my brothers are night vigilantes, Y/N." You gape at Donnie and Raph. Somehow it all made sense. 


You already knew about Mikey being a vigilante. But his brothers didn't know that he told you. However, one night Mikey decided to invite you on one of this nightly patrols. His brothers were completely unaware. When you got there Raph yelled," Y/N, what are you doing here!?" "Mikey invited me." "Mikey, why would you do that?" Leo said. "She already knows dudes." Raph face-palmed himself and sighed. "What was I not supposed to? She's my girlfriend!" Mikey said. "Y/N, can you keep this a secret?" Leo asked you coming closer. "I've already been for one month." you respond. Leo smiled he looked really relieved. "Then, I guess you can tag along." Mikey teaches you how to jump roofs and you were really getting the hang of it. In your opinion you couldn't wait until tomorrow night. If they let you tag along again.


You and Donnie were having a movie night in his room. "I'm so hungry! I'm going to go make some popcorn and order a pizza, you in?" "Duh!" You respond. He leaves the room and you find it the perfect opportunity to look around his lab. What really catches your attention is a canister of a green glowing ooze. He walk over to inspect it and then you see pictures of what looked like aliens or monsters. Just then Donnatello walks in. "Y/N! What are you doing?!" "I'm sorry I was just snooping around." You smile at him. He just grins back and scoffs. "What are these things?" "They're mutants." he answers. "How did they turn out like this?" "This." He holds up the canister of the green ooze. "It's called Mutagen. It's produced in another dimension called Dimension X." He then explains how him and his brothers fight these things almost every other night and how they're vigilantes. You were completely hooked on the topic. The explaining  went on for hours. 

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