Tickle Torture Pt. Raphie

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It was days like this that made me feel extremely happy. I was at my uncle's gym with Raph. I sat on a table while Raphael bandaged his knuckled up getting ready to punch the living hell out of his designated bag. My uncle saw that me and my boyfriend came so often that he gave us a small area in the back to go to whenever we wanted to. No one could have bothered us here and here I could use my powers and try to train with them. When I regain more control over my powers I will be a greater help to the boys when we patrol at night. I can protect Raphael better and never make him worry about me. "What ar you thinking about babe?" Raphael asks when he noticed that my head was in the clouds. "Oh nothing," I headed over to the cabinet on the left side of the room and took out three small candles. My objective was only turn on the two on the sides. So far, even that was a struggle for me. I would either turn on all three or the fire would head in a completely unwanted direction. Once I even burned off the tiniest bit of Raphie's hair. That was hilarious, but I still felt bad afterwards. I sat down on my chair as Raphael went to go warm up. I stared intensely into the three candles. Ten minutes pass and nothing! I stood up and threw the chair across the room, "JUST BURN ALREADY YOU F--" "Woah! WOAH! Y/N, calm down princess. Calm down." "I am calm" I walked over to pick up the chair and put it back where it was, sat down and continued to stare at the candles. The fingertips of my hand burned brightly. Raphael walked up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. He gave me a slight massage while I continued to concentrate. I couldn't do it. DAMN IT! "If I can't light up two candles how can I patrol with you guys?" I sighed and rested my head onto my hands. "Y/N, you have patrolled with us even before you got  these powers. You have had my back since day one and I have had yours. You don't need those powers to make you feel you're a total badas* cause that's just how you are, not what your powers make you. And I love that about you." He turned me around and kissed my lips. As we parted whispered," thank you,  softie" He shook his head and grinned. "Try it one more time okay?" I nodded and this time I thought about the future, future patrols, I thought about Raphael and I fighting and protecting each other. Before I knew it, the candles on the sides were burning bright with a fire equivalent to the wild one that burned in my eyes. " I DID IT!" I stood up and Raphael spun me around in the air. We both laughed and then he tackled me down. "What are you doing Raphie?" I said as he hovered on top of me. He dramatically raised his hand in the air and then brought it down on my underarms. Oh no, this guy was tickling me. I squirmed and try to get away from his grip but he was way to strong. I rolled onto the sides of my stomach repeatably without being able to breathe. I tried to grab his arms to pull him off of me but he would not budge. Then he stopped and I can finally breathe in some air. Sadly, the air I breathed smelt like gym mat and it's gross. I stood up and grabbed my stomach, he just smiled at me like the big goofball that he is. The words "come on" flashed on my fingertips, "come at me Raphie." I said as I got into a fighting position, "this will be fun" he laughed and charged at me full speed. He saw me as an equivalent in combat and I'm glad. When I was mad, he saw me as a superior, which made me even happier. 

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